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Reading a text file with raw data (no common format)

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:42 pm
by TheGuardian163
I made a level editor in another engine that exports a .txt file with just integers in it. Then a space, then the next number is on the next line.

Like this:


N is a number, S is a space, L is a linebreak. The files look like this:


I've read through this multiple times: viewtopic.php?t=81439
And this a few times as well:

I don't understand how to use these functions to add those values to a table. Would someone please write a code snippet that does it to help me understand how it's applied in practice?

Thank you for your help

Re: Reading a text file with raw data (no common format)

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:26 pm
by grump

Code: Select all

local numbers = {}
for line in assert(love.filesystem.lines('filename.txt')) do
    numbers[#numbers + 1] = assert(tonumber(line))