I've been drawing a fake cursor that I color key and overlay on OBS to get a custom stream cursor, but I've been having issues grabbing the cursor coordinates while it's out of the window bounds. I know that LOVE doesn't actually support this, though is there a hacky way I could do it?
if this isn't a do-able thing I'll have to switch engines :c
Find nouse position out of bounds
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Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
Use ffi to query the mouse position from the OS.
- zorg
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Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
To expand on that, SDL2 has a function for that, and iirc i tested it and it works: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetGlobalMouseState
(For reference, my use-case was dragging and/or resizing borderless windows without that process stopping when i hit an edge from the inside)
(For reference, my use-case was dragging and/or resizing borderless windows without that process stopping when i hit an edge from the inside)
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
- Prole
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Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
ended up prototyping it using C++/SDL2, going to attempt @grumps' suggestion here in a seczorg wrote: ↑Mon May 07, 2018 5:36 am To expand on that, SDL2 has a function for that, and iirc i tested it and it works: https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetGlobalMouseState
(For reference, my use-case was dragging and/or resizing borderless windows without that process stopping when i hit an edge from the inside)
Thanks for the quick help guys
Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
zorg's suggestion makes more sense, since it will instantly work on all platforms LÖVE runs on.yellowtide wrote: ↑Mon May 07, 2018 1:49 pm ended up prototyping it using C++/SDL2, going to attempt @grumps' suggestion here in a sec
- zorg
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Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
To spare you the implementation horrors, here's my implementation; it may also contain more than what you needed, specifically. Do note that it's somewhat old, so minor cosmetic surgery may be needed to get it working with the latest löve version.
(And yes, i'll release this thing, all fixed up, on github normally when i have time, as well)
Code: Select all
-- desktop coordinate related functions
-- by zorg @ 2015-2016
-- license: ISC
-- This library implements a somewhat robust method of allowing the usage of desktop mouse coordinates in Löve.
-- Main usage would be the implementation of borderless dragging (in windows at least, where it's not possible otherwise)
-- This may not yet be perfect, since window dimensions and position and the inner canvas/frame/viewport dimensions and positioning
-- may be offset differently by different OS-es, so testing needed still. Also doesn't have that much use on android or ios.
-- Use LuaJIT FFI to load in SDL2.
local ffi = require("ffi")
local sdl = ffi.os == "Windows" and ffi.load("SDL2") or ffi.C
-- We need this for borderless dragging, in windows at least; still need to test on nix and osx.
-- Note that for this to work, the user needs to give screen position hints to the application.
typedef uint32_t Uint32;
typedef struct SDL_Rect
int x, y;
int w, h;
} SDL_Rect;
Uint32 SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(int *x, int *y); /*needs SDL 2.0.4 or higher*/
int SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(void);
int SDL_GetDisplayBounds(int displayIndex, SDL_Rect* rect);
-- Function holder table
local t = {}
-- Given a display, and a coordinate inside that display, return a point in desktop-space.
t.toGlobalPosition = function(D,x,y,d) -- Displaylist, horizontal pos., vertical pos., display
return D[d][1]+x, D[d][2]+y
-- Given a point in desktop-space, return display-local coordinates and the display's index.
t.toScreenPosition = function(D,x,y) -- Displaylist, horizontal pos., vertical pos.
local X,Y,d = 0,0,0
local minx, miny, maxx, maxy = 1/0,1/0,0,0
-- Get width and height of the viewport, the area inside the window, because we will need it for the other bounds...
-- TODO: Which to use...
local w,h = love.graphics.getDimensions()
--local w,h,_ = love.window.getMode()
-- Check boundary conditions per-display.
-- May not be perfectly sound, logically speaking (for non-convex arrangements)
for i=1,#D do
if minx > D[i][1] then minx = D[i][1] end
if miny > D[i][2] then miny = D[i][2] end
if maxx < D[i][1]+D[i][3] then maxx = D[i][1]+D[i][3] end
if maxy < D[i][2]+D[i][4] then maxy = D[i][2]+D[i][4] end
-- If out of bounds, return false, and the bound we were near to.
if x < minx then
return false, 'x', -1
if x+w > maxx then
return false, 'x', 1
if y < miny then
return false, 'y', -1
if y+h > maxy then
return false, 'y', 1
-- Check which display we're actually in, and return the coordinates as such.
for i=1,#D do
if x >= D[i][1] and x < D[i][1]+D[i][3] and y >= D[i][2] and y < D[i][2]+D[i][4] then
return x-D[i][1], y-D[i][2], i
-- Point doesn't exist on any screen; should not be possible to set to this anyway.
return false, '0', 0
-- Return the mouse position on the desktop.
t.getGlobalMousePosition = function()
local x, y = ffi.new("int[1]", 0), ffi.new("int[1]", 0)
local err = sdl.SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(x,y)
if err ~= 1 then return false end -- Not on the desktop.
return x[0], y[0]
-- Metatable for the above functions.
local mt = {__index = t}
-- Constructor; we could have just went with an init function and made the module stateful, but this works just as well.
local new = function()
-- The array of displays (xOffset, yOffset,width,height)
local D = {}
-- How many displays the computer has.
local n = sdl.SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays()
-- Get the position and size data from all displays.
for i = 1, n do
local rect = ffi.new("SDL_Rect[1]")
sdl.SDL_GetDisplayBounds(i-1, rect)
D[i] = {}
D[i][1] = rect[0].x
D[i][2] = rect[0].y
D[i][3] = rect[0].w
D[i][4] = rect[0].h
-- Allows to use the above 3 functions with the D displaylist. (with the colon (:) syntax)
return setmetatable(D, mt}
return new
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
This is a great little library and It'd be great if you could provide a small tutorial on how to use it. At least for me, it's not self-evident. Thanks!
- zorg
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Re: Find nouse position out of bounds
firstly, you require it into your own project like so: local whatever = require 'libname'
then calling it like local displays = whatever() will return a table containing all detected displays coordinates and dimensions (and it also has methods you can use)
A simpler way would be to just do local displays = require('libname')()
Now you can use the table and the given functions to transform coordinates between desktop (global) corodinates and display-local ones. (and also a function to get the global coordinates of the mouse pointer, which is also useful)
What you do with these though is up to you; my use case was dragging borderless windows on windows. (although maybe the relative mouse mode would have also worked, i haven't tested that :v)
then calling it like local displays = whatever() will return a table containing all detected displays coordinates and dimensions (and it also has methods you can use)
A simpler way would be to just do local displays = require('libname')()
Now you can use the table and the given functions to transform coordinates between desktop (global) corodinates and display-local ones. (and also a function to get the global coordinates of the mouse pointer, which is also useful)
What you do with these though is up to you; my use case was dragging borderless windows on windows. (although maybe the relative mouse mode would have also worked, i haven't tested that :v)
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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