What am I doing wrong??
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:06 am
Hi Guys,
I've been coding in Lua for a couple of days now with Löve.
I've written a little tower defence test case but my code to find targets in range doesn't seem to work. It seems to think everything is in range... I cant figure out what I've done wrong here.... And then it seems to randomly kill targets rather than killing the closest one... Something wrong with my distance formula?
I'm hoping someone can help out a newbie!
Left click places creeps, middle click creates a direction for the creeps to head in. right click creates towers.
I've been coding in Lua for a couple of days now with Löve.
I've written a little tower defence test case but my code to find targets in range doesn't seem to work. It seems to think everything is in range... I cant figure out what I've done wrong here.... And then it seems to randomly kill targets rather than killing the closest one... Something wrong with my distance formula?
Code: Select all
function love.load()
squares = {}
towers = {}
speed = 50
sqcount = 0
ball = love.graphics.newImage("ball.png")
rotation = 0
target = {}
target.x = 400
target.y = 400
effects = {} -- This will hold projectiles, beams and particles
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if button == "l" then
sqcount = sqcount + 1
square = {}
square.x = x
square.y = y
square.mx = 0
square.my = 0
square.mm = 1
table.insert(squares, square)
elseif button == "r" then
tower = {}
tower.x = x
tower.y = y
tower.r = 50 -- Range
tower.fr = 1 -- time between shots in seconds
tower.lf = 0 -- Elapsed time since last fired
table.insert(towers, tower)
elseif button == "m" then
target.x = x
target.y = y
currentmx = target.x
currentmy = target.y
for i,v in ipairs(squares) do
if v.x < currentmx and v.y > currentmy then
mode2 = math.sqrt((currentmx-v.x)^2+(v.y-currentmy)^2)
if mode2 > 20 then
ratio2 = 1 / mode2
v.mx = ratio2 * (currentmx-v.x) * speed
v.my = ratio2 * (v.y-currentmy) * speed
v.mm = 2
elseif v.x > currentmx and v.y > currentmy then
mode3 = math.sqrt((v.x-currentmx)^2+(v.y-currentmy)^2)
if mode3 > 20 then
ratio3 = 1 / mode3
v.mx = ratio3 * (v.x-currentmx) * speed
v.my = ratio3 * (v.y-currentmy) * speed
v.mm = 3
elseif v.x > currentmx and v.y < currentmy then
mode4 = math.sqrt((v.x-currentmx)^2+(currentmy-v.y)^2)
if mode4 > 20 then
ratio4 = 1 / mode4
v.mx = ratio4 * (v.x-currentmx) * speed
v.my = ratio4 * (currentmy-v.y) * speed
v.mm = 4
elseif v.x < currentmx and v.y < currentmy then
mode5 = math.sqrt((currentmx-v.x)^2+(currentmy-v.y)^2)
if mode5 > 20 then
ratio5 = 1 / mode5
v.mx = ratio5 * (currentmx-v.x) * speed
v.my = ratio5 * (currentmy-v.y) * speed
v.mm = 5
v.mm = 1
function love.update(dt)
for i,v in ipairs(towers) do
v.lf = v.lf + dt -- Set or add to last fired time
if v.lf > v.fr then
creepsinrange = {}
tox = v.x
toy = v.y
for is,vs in ipairs(squares) do
distance = math.sqrt((fdiff(tox, vs.x))^2+(fdiff(vs.y, toy))^2)
if distance > v.r then
inrange = 1
if distance <= v.r then
inrange = 0
if inrange == 0 then
creepinrange = {}
creepinrange.id = ii
creepinrange.dist = distance
table.insert(creepsinrange, creepinrange)
-- Closest code
table.remove(squares, fclosest(creepsinrange))
v.lf = 0
closest = nil
closestdist = nil
creepsinrange = nil
rotation = rotation + 10 * dt
for i,v in ipairs(squares) do
if v.mm == 2 then
v.x = v.x + v.mx * dt
v.y = v.y - v.my * dt
elseif v.mm == 3 then
v.x = v.x - v.mx * dt
v.y = v.y - v.my * dt
elseif v.mm == 4 then
v.x = v.x - v.mx * dt
v.y = v.y + v.my * dt
elseif v.mm == 5 then
v.x = v.x + v.mx * dt
v.y = v.y + v.my * dt
function love.draw()
for i,v in ipairs(squares) do -- Draws creeps
love.graphics.draw(ball, v.x, v.y, rotation, 1, 1, 8, 8)
for i,v in ipairs(towers) do -- Draws towers
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", v.x, v.y, 5, 5)
love.graphics.circle("line", v.x, v.y, v.r, 50)
fps = love.timer.getFPS()
love.graphics.print("FPS: " .. fps, 10, 10)
love.graphics.print("Square Count: " .. sqcount, 10, 30)
function fdiff(numbera, numberb)
local xdiff
if numbera > numberb then
xdiff = numbera - numberb
return xdiff
elseif numbera < numberb then
xdiff = numberb - numbera
return xdiff
return 0
function fclosest(stable)
for ikey,ival in ipairs(stable) do
if cl == nil then
cl = ival.id
cldist = ival.dist
elseif ival.dist < closestdist then
cldist = ival.dist
cl = ival.id
return cl
Left click places creeps, middle click creates a direction for the creeps to head in. right click creates towers.