offsetting player weapon based on angle(SOLVED)
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:07 pm
Hi all!
I'm trying to rotate and offset the player's weapon based on the angle of the player. Not really sure how to go about this maybe you guys could help.
Both the player and weapon models are originally facing 0 degrees
Solved it with this:
I'm trying to rotate and offset the player's weapon based on the angle of the player. Not really sure how to go about this maybe you guys could help.
Code: Select all
-- Reduced code
player = {}
player.x = 0
player.y = 0
player.angle = 0
player.weapon = {}
player.weapon.x = player.x
player.weapon.y = player.y
player.weapon.model =model2
function player.update(dt)
player.angle = math.atan2(love.mouse.getY()-player.y,love.mouse.getX()-player.x)
function player.draw(),player.weapon.x,player.weapon.y,player.angle,2,1,12.5,2.5),player.x,player.y,player.angle,1,1,25,25)
Solved it with this:
Code: Select all
local rot = player.angle + math.atan2(20,35)
player.weapon.x = player.x + math.sqrt((35)^2+(20)^2) * math.cos(rot)
player.weapon.y = player.y + math.sqrt((35)^2+(20)^2) * math.sin(rot)