Horizontal scrolling background
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:50 pm
I'm new to Love2d and I'm playing around and learning as I go....maybe write a game at some point!
I'm trying to implement a scrolling background, where when my character sprite is walking right or left the sprite stays stationary, but the background scrolls infinitely.
I just can't figure out how to do this! Help please!
Here's what I have so far:
I'm new to Love2d and I'm playing around and learning as I go....maybe write a game at some point!
I'm trying to implement a scrolling background, where when my character sprite is walking right or left the sprite stays stationary, but the background scrolls infinitely.
I just can't figure out how to do this! Help please!
Here's what I have so far:
Code: Select all
local anim8 = require('lib/anim8/anim8')
local shine = require('lib/shine')
local player
local vignette
local viewport = {}
local background = {}
function love.load()
-- post-processing
local grain = shine.filmgrain()
grain.opacity = 0.2
vignette = shine.vignette()
vignette.parameters = { radius = 1.0, opacity = 0.7 }
post_effect = vignette:chain(grain)
-- set up some variables
viewport.width = love.graphics.getWidth()
viewport.height = love.graphics.getHeight()
speed = 150
-- set default graphics filter to nearest-neighbour
love.graphics.setDefaultFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
-- background
background.image = love.graphics.newImage('assets/background-1.jpg')
background.x = 0
background.speed = speed
-- define spritesheet
local spritesheet = love.graphics.newImage('assets/sprites/morris-spritesheet.png')
local g = anim8.newGrid(18, 32, spritesheet:getWidth(), spritesheet:getHeight())
-- player object
player = {
spritesheet = spritesheet,
x = viewport.width / 3,
y = 500,
speed = speed,
animations = {
idle_right = anim8.newAnimation(g(1, 1), 0.1),
idle_left = anim8.newAnimation(g(1, 1), 0.1):flipH(dt),
run_right = anim8.newAnimation(g('2-5', 1), 0.1),
run_left = anim8.newAnimation(g('2-5', 1), 0.1):flipH(dt)
last_direction = nil,
width = 18 * 5,
height = 32 * 5
-- player defaults
player.animation = player.animations.idle_right
player.last_direction = 'right'
function love.update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown('q') then
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
if player.x > 0 then
player.animation = player.animations.run_left
-- cause player to move across viewport
-- player.x = player.x - (player.speed*dt)
player.last_direction = 'left'
-- scroll the background
background.x = background.x + background.speed * dt
if background.x < viewport.width then
background.x = background.x + viewport.width
-- background.x = background.x - viewport.width
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
if player.x < (viewport.width - player.width) then
player.animation = player.animations.run_right
-- cause player to move across viewport
-- player.x = player.x + (player.speed*dt)
player.last_direction = 'right'
-- scroll the background
background.x = background.x - background.speed * dt
if background.x > viewport.width then
background.x = background.x - viewport.width
--[[ elseif love.keyboard.isDown('up') the
[ player.animation = player.animations.run_right
[ player.y = player.y - (player.speed*dt)
[ player.last_direction = 'right'
[ elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
[ player.animation = player.animations.run_right
[ player.y = player.y + (player.speed*dt)
[ player.last_direction = 'right' ]]
elseif player.last_direction == 'right' then
player.animation = player.animations.idle_right
elseif player.last_direction == 'left' then
player.animation = player.animations.idle_left
function love.draw(dt)
-- post_effect:draw(function()
local sx = love.graphics:getWidth() / background.image:getWidth() -- scale background
local sy = love.graphics:getHeight() / background.image:getHeight() -- scale background
love.graphics.draw(background.image, 0, 0, 0, sx, sy)
-- love.graphics.draw(background.image, background.x + background.image:getWidth(), 0, 0, 10, 10)
love.graphics.print("x: "..tostring(player.x), 5, 5)
love.graphics.print("y: "..tostring(player.y), 5, 20)
love.graphics.print("player.width: "..tostring(player.width), 5, 35)
love.graphics.print("background.x: "..tostring(background.x), 5, 55)
love.graphics.print("viewport.width: "..tostring(viewport.width), 5, 70 )
love.graphics.print(tostring(love.graphics:getWidth()), 5, 85)
love.graphics.print(tostring(love.graphics:getHeight()), 5, 100)
player.animation:draw(player.spritesheet, player.x, player.y, 0, 5, 5)
-- end)