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[solved] How to exlude collision detection with a certain shape in HC (hardon collider)

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:14 pm
by 4aiman
Sorry if this has been answered over and over again, but the search here just won't obey...

Right now Ii'm using this

Code: Select all

       for shape, delta in pairs( do 
           if shape~=game.player.body then 
              del[#del+1] = i break               
to detect whether I should/shouldn't delete a shape.
  • is a HC instance
  • bullet.hco stores the result
  • game.player.body is the result of and keeps tabs on the player.
I can't seem to figure out how to exclude a certain shape (immortal object or an owner of the bullet). The code above (obviously) doesn't work.

So... How can I tell a shape to ignore collisions with some particular object?

Thanks in advance!

Re: How to exlude collision detection with a certain shape in HC (hardon collider)

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 8:19 pm
by Ostego160
HC is such a lovely library, there's a couple ways to do it. Here's how I do it:

I have an ignore variable stored on each object in the world; each object in a table. Here we iterate through enemies.

Code: Select all

   for i=1,#enemies do
      local candidates = collider:neighbors(enemies[i].mask)			--Mask is a reference to the HC shape
      for other in pairs(candidates) do
         local collides, dx, dy = enemies[i].mask:collidesWith(other)		--Get the boolean event, and the collision resolution data
         if collides and not other.ignore then					--THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, the check on other to ignore
            if other.type == 'static' or other.type == 'character' then		--Other additional checks
               enemies[i].mask:move(dx,dy)					--Collision Resolution
            elseif other.type == 'debris' then
Hope this helps my friend. :monocle:

Re: How to exlude collision detection with a certain shape in HC (hardon collider)

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:07 am
by 4aiman
It turned out I had a typo somewhere, since after I unified all the names (now every object has hco property with a reference to HC shape) my code worked as well as yours!

Cheers! ^_^