Help: Isometric map drawing incorrectly
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:54 am
I am making an isometric grid composed of nodes(intersections) and tiles. I want the tiles to update when the nodes are adjusted. There are no errors however, one of the isometric tile coordinates is wrong (I believe its the 4th coordinate) and its causing the tiles to be drawn wrong.
Here is the main.lua in its entirety: The .love and pic are attached as well to demonstrate my issue.
Can anyone help?
I am making an isometric grid composed of nodes(intersections) and tiles. I want the tiles to update when the nodes are adjusted. There are no errors however, one of the isometric tile coordinates is wrong (I believe its the 4th coordinate) and its causing the tiles to be drawn wrong.
Here is the main.lua in its entirety: The .love and pic are attached as well to demonstrate my issue.
Code: Select all
Spectra = require('spectra')
local lg =
local push = table.insert
local width, height = lg.getDimensions()
-- Helpers
local function dist(x1,y1, x2,y2) return ((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)^0.5 end
local function get2D(index, width)
local i = index - 1
x = i%width
y = (i - x)/width
return x + 1, y + 1
local function get1D(x,y, width)
return x + (y - 1)*width
local function createGrid(tw,th, w,h, cx,cy)
local nodes,tiles = {},{}
for col=1,w+1 do
for row=1,h+1 do
local index = get1D(col,row,w)
local _x,_y = (col-row)*tw/2+cx, (col+row)*th/2+cy
nodes[index] = {x=_x, y=_y}
if (col<=w and row<=h) then
tiles[index] = lg.newMesh({ {_x,_y},
return nodes, tiles
function love.load()
spectra = Spectra()
range = 512
gridWidth, gridHeight = 32,32
nodes,tiles = createGrid(64,32, gridWidth, gridHeight, lg.getWidth()/2,0)
--Create nodes and tiles 1D arrays for 2D grid
function love.update(dt)
for k,mesh in ipairs(tiles) do
local tx,ty = get2D(k, gridWidth)
local x,y = {},{}
x[1],y[1] = nodes[k].x, nodes[k].y
x[2],y[2] = nodes[get1D(tx+1,ty, gridWidth)].x, nodes[get1D(tx+1,ty, gridWidth)].y
x[3],y[3] = nodes[get1D(tx+1,ty+1, gridWidth)].x, nodes[get1D(tx+1,ty+1, gridWidth)].y
x[4],y[4] = nodes[get1D(tx,ty+1, gridWidth)].x, nodes[get1D(tx,ty+1, gridWidth)].y
--Get the four node coordinates for the iso tile
for i=1,mesh:getVertexCount() do
mesh:setVertexAttribute(i, 1, x[i],y[i])
--Update iso tile coordinates
local mx,my = love.mouse.getPosition()
local distance = dist(x[i],y[i],mx,my)
mesh:setVertexAttribute(i, 3, spectra:gradient(range,distance, {'white','blue','royalblue','midnight'}))
--Update colorAttributes for mesh
function love.draw()
for _,mesh in ipairs(tiles) do