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cool demos and miscellania

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:58 am
by jojomickymack
I thought that parallaxing tilemaps with STI would be difficult - not so, just add some offsets and multiply the dx values for background layers by 0.9 or lower depending on the rate you want it to scroll. I'm certain there's a better way just using layers in a single map, but this appears to be working.
parallax_follow.gif (466.53 KiB) Viewed 2754 times

Re: cool demos and miscellania

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:49 am
by jojomickymack
Somebody was trying to attach a texture to a physics world polygon shape, it can be done using a mesh. Polygons have vertices in the physics world and when they're rendered by graphics.drawPolygon() and there's a limit of 8. That's standard for box2d, the reason being you can assemble multiple polygons together to make whatever shape you want.

A mesh has unlimited vertices - unfortunately the way the tables of points get returned from calls to Body:getWorldPoints(shape:getPoints()) doesn't match up with mesh:setVertices(), so you've got to pack the coordinates into the mesh tables before rendering it with graphics.draw().

Provided that is happening, textured meshes with physics world vertices works pretty well in love2d!
texture.gif (376.14 KiB) Viewed 2699 times

Re: cool demos and miscellania

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:03 pm
by jojomickymack
Instead of scaling and translating based on the position of the player, instead use the center of the window or the position of the mouse.

Code: Select all

    dx = ( / 2) - ( / 2) / scale
    dy = ( / 2) - ( / 2) / scale
    --dx = (love.mouse.getX()) - ( / 2) / scale
    --dy = (love.mouse.getY()) - ( / 2) / scale, -dy)
zoom_to_center.gif (433.72 KiB) Viewed 2564 times