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Distributing multiple love games in one package?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:24 pm
by jonthysell
Is there any existing/standard way to release multiple love games together in one package, preferably with a launcher to pick which game to run?

I'm building a small collection of retro clones ( and I'd love to release them for Android as a single apk rather than a bunch of separate ones.

I get that I could probably implement the source of the Android port to support such functionality if it doesn't exist, or maybe even have a main launcher .love that reads the filesystem looking for other .love files, but I was hoping that someone has already solved this.

Re: Distributing multiple love games in one package?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:21 pm
by zorg
I'd go with the second approach, to be honest; no need to mess with the Android verison of löve.

On Win/OSX/Linux, i'd consider the fact that love.filesystem.mount exists, and that .love files are just renamed zip files, which PhysFS (that löve uses) allows you to mount. Make a launcher, that upon game selection, will mount the appropriate .love within your "main" .löve archive, and call their callbacks, until you choose to exit, in which case you'd give back control to the launcher.

Not sure if it's much different for handhelds, you don't even need to have archives inside your apk, just separate code into separate folders, and require the selected game's files and call their callbacks.