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Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:48 pm
by karlexceed
I have been using love on windows for a while, and well, I love love. Trouble is, I also love ubuntu.

I just installed 0.7.2 using synaptic. The main executable runs fine - integration into unity is fine...

My trouble is, when I double click on a .love file, I get the same window as if I were to run the main love executable alone. So, the spinning love logo...

What's the issue here? It's the same also if I try to do this from the terminal, with or without a sudo.

In this specific case, I'm trying to run In Your Face City Trains, or Nothing fancy or silly.


Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by bartbes
It seems you need to edit /usr/share/applications/love.desktop, specifically the Exec line.

Code: Select all

should be

Code: Select all

Exec=/usr/bin/love %U
Apparently, some desktops don't do this by default (and this may very well be according to the specifications), and this should be fixed for the next release.

Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:44 pm
by karlexceed
You're correct in that the Exec line was missing the %U, but this did not solve the problem.

I have changed that line, restarted my computer, and verified that the change stuck. But still, from the desktop or command line, I still only see the basic spinning LOVE logo.

Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:22 pm
by Robin
Could you give us more information about what you have and what you do? Some screenshots for example?

I don't think anyone of us can find the solution with the information we have now.

Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:38 pm
by Nixola
Did you try to run it from the terminal? (command 'love path/of/')

Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:05 am
by bartbes
I know older versions (amongst which most probably 0.7.2) can be affected by a folder named 'love' in the working directory. Maybe the launcher runs it from a path that has a folder like that?

Re: Running a .love file in Ubuntu 11.10

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:16 pm
by karlexceed
My desktop:

When I double click an a .love file:

When I run from terminal:

When I run from terminal with full path:

The Exec line of /usr/share/applications/LOVE:

As I said, Ubuntu 11.10, LOVE 0.7.2 installed via Synaptic.