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Müsicc, a multi-music-playing software

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:17 pm
by Le Codex

I made a little music-editing software called Müsicc. It's rather basic and so I post it so I could get suggestions of things to add/change/remove.
Capture12.PNG (60.36 KiB) Viewed 3059 times
Here is the first window you'll see when launching the program: the files inside the "Samples" folder. (WARNING: Do not load files with a name containing non UTF-8 symbols like ", ' or anything that LÖVE cannot draw with the basic font.)

Here you can navigate with your mouse and choose your first sample. (MWUP and MWDOWN to navigate if you have too many samples.) Click on "Change folder..." to change folder (no joke... :ehem:).
Capture13.PNG (7.94 KiB) Viewed 3059 times
Once you have selected a sample, you will arrive on this page. Here you can see the sample(s) selected (Press escape to switch between editing and browsing).

When you hover a song, you can hear it play. It will pause when you remove your mouse. You can toggle this option by pressing space.

M1 rewinds the song. M2 stops it. M3/Enter toggles if the song is playing permanently or not. L/R to change Volume (V:). CTRL + U/D to change pitch (P:). The change in pitch is of 1 semitone. If you do those changes while hovering "Modify all samples", you will affect all samples (... -_-).

CTRL + L/R to move back/forth in the music by 1 second. E to toggle Volume Inversion (when hovering "Modify all samples", the volume modification will be reversed. Use it to switch between two music smoothly).

S/F to toggle Start/End flags at the current music's position (represented by the green bar). Those flags are loop-flags. When the music reaches the End-flag, it goes to the Start-flag. This can be used to create loops (Start before End) or to skip a part of the music (End before Start). D to toggle the flags.

That's all for now, I'll update this thread if I add new things.
You'll have to decompile the file to add music in the Samples folder (it's empty).

0.1 "Volume Update" : Added Volume Inversion, Fixed a bug where you couldn't go below 0.1 volume, instead of 0.
(2.81 KiB) Downloaded 157 times
Good coding!

Re: Müsicc, a music-editing software

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:13 pm
by zorg
Not really a music editor per-se, more like a (pretty bare) music player, mostly with basic controls. (yes, unless the pitch setting can modify pitch without affecting tempo, a.k.a. Source:setPitch, then that's also a basic control) minus balance/panning.

Also, terminologically, i wouldn't call a whole music track/file a "sample" unless you can play it with different pitches, like a piano... though we established before that this isn't a composing software.

Also, no .love file, nor a link to a repository.

Re: Müsicc, a multi-music-playing software

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:07 pm
by Le Codex
Hi zorg,

In fact, it's actually for now just a multi-music player, but I was thinking actually of binding the keyboard as a piano that uses the loops you can create with the flags.

I'm really sorry for the .love file, I might have forgotten to upload it, I'm so confused right now.