[Solved] Mouse click weirdness
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:02 am
I made a little game out of what I've been learning in Love2d but I have a weird issue happening with the mouse clicks. If you start the game and click the circles they disappear fine, but if you let a couple spawn sometimes the one you are clicking will become immune and a random circle will disappear, then it will start working again, on and off. Anyone have any ideas about this, maybe its not updating mouse position or miss reading it.
cheers for taking a look.
I made a little game out of what I've been learning in Love2d but I have a weird issue happening with the mouse clicks. If you start the game and click the circles they disappear fine, but if you let a couple spawn sometimes the one you are clicking will become immune and a random circle will disappear, then it will start working again, on and off. Anyone have any ideas about this, maybe its not updating mouse position or miss reading it.
cheers for taking a look.
Code: Select all
Rings Game
Practice exersie with Lua and Love2D August 2017
-- Declcare Variables
spawntimer = 1 -- time to spawn
rings ={} -- table to hold the rings we create
ringWidth = 20 -- line width for our rings
ringColour = {} -- our colour palete
ringColour[1] = {col='green',r=70,g=140,b=38,a=255,vel=0.15,score= 15}
ringColour[2] = {col='pink',r=163,g=73,b=115,a=255,vel=0.16,score= 16}
ringColour[3] = {col='blue',r=93,g=132,b=166,a=255,vel=0.14,score= 14}
ringColour[4] = {col='yellow',r=242,g=222,b=160,a=255,vel=0.2,score= 20}
ringColour[5] = {col='tan',r=242,g=220,b=201,a=255,vel=0.13,score= 13}
ringToBig = 250 -- ring explodes as got to big - points from player score
playerScore = 0
Our functions
function randomCircle() -- randomCircle() creates our randomCircle variables
rR = love.math.random(20, 100) -- random radius
rX = love.math.random(0+rR, love.graphics.getWidth() - (rR + ringWidth) - ringToBig) --random x
rY = love.math.random(0+rR, love.graphics.getHeight()- (rR + ringWidth) - ringToBig) -- random y
rColour = love.math.random(1, #ringColour) --sets random colour and velocity
--[[newRing() creates our rings and test to see if the collide on creation.
1st ring created before it starts seeing if they subsequent ones overlap.]]
local function newRing()
if (#rings) == 0 then -- makes first ring if no exist
myNewRing = {
r= rR,x= rX,y =rY, colr=ringColour[rColour].r,
table.insert(rings, myNewRing) -- adds new ring to our table
spawntimer = 1 -- sets the time before next ring is spawned
while true do -- infinate loop to create new rings
local collides = false
for i, v in ipairs(rings) do
--[[ collison calculations on all rings in table until a collison
is detected using pythagoras to calculate distance]]
local dx = rX - v.x
local dy = rY - v.y
local distCalc = dx * dx + dy * dy
if distCalc <= ((v.r + ringWidth) + (rR + ringWidth))^2 then
collides = true
break -- restarts while loop once one collision is found
end -- end if distCalc block
end -- i,v block
if not collides then -- adds to rings table if no collisions
myNewRing = {
r= rR,x= rX,y =rY, colr=ringColour[rColour].r,
table.insert(rings, myNewRing)
spawntimer = 1
end -- end if not collides block
end -- end while loop
function collision()
-- remove all collided rings
for k = #rings, 1, -1 do
local rX = rings[k].x
local rY = rings[k].y
local rR = rings[k].r
local collides
for j = k + 1, #rings do
local dx = rX - rings[j].x
local dy = rY - rings[j].y
sj = rings[j].score
sk = rings[k].score
local distCalc = dx * dx + dy * dy
if distCalc <= ((rings[j].r + ringWidth) + (rR ))^2 then
collides = true
if collides then
-- do something here (erase ring[k] from the screen, etc.)
table.remove(rings, k)
table.remove(rings, j)
playerScore = playerScore - (sj + sk)
-- remove ring if radius greater than 150
function ringsRemove()
if (#rings) > 1 then
for i, v in ipairs(rings) do
if rings[i].r > 150 then
playerScore = playerScore - rings[i].score
table.remove(rings, i)
end -- end if
end -- i,v block
end -- end while loop
function mouseRemove(R)
local collides = false
for i, v in ipairs(rings) do
--[[ collison calculations on all rings in table until a collison
is detected using pythagoras to calculate distance between
mouse x,y + a little radius around pointer (rR) and
circle x,y (centre) + radius]]
local dx = mX - v.x
local dy = mY - v.y
local distCalc = dx * dx + dy * dy
if distCalc <= (v.r + R)^2 + ringWidth then
collides = true
playerScore = playerScore + rings[i].score
end -- end if distCalc block
end -- i,v block
if collides then -- removes ring from table if mouse clicks it
table.remove(rings, i)
end -- end if not collides block
end -- end
-- remove ring if radius greater than ringToBig
function ringsRemove()
if (#rings) > 1 then
for i, v in ipairs(rings) do
if rings[i].r + ringWidth > ringToBig then
playerScore = playerScore - rings[i].score
table.remove(rings, i)
end -- end if
end -- i,v block
end -- end while loop
-- local collides = false
function love.load(arg)
-- body...
mX = 0 -- set mouse x to 0
mY = 0 --set mouse y to 0
--font40 = love.graphics.newFont("BAUHS93.TTf", 40)
--font18 = love.graphics.newFont("BAUHS93.TTf", 18)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(252, 251, 227, 255) -- sets background colour
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255)
-- love.graphics.setFont(font40)
love.graphics.print(playerScore, 100,50)
-- love.graphics.setFont(font18)
-- love.graphics.print(mX .. " " .. mY, mX, mY) -- mouse position
-- love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 255) -- temp graphics colour ** Black
-- love.graphics.print(spawntimer) -- prits spawntimer to screen for debugging
--[[Draw my rings]]
for i,v in ipairs(rings) do -- draws our rings and changes the colour
love.graphics.setLineWidth(ringWidth) -- sets ring linewidth
love.graphics.setColor(rings[i].colr, rings[i].colg, rings[i].colb, rings[i].cola)
love.graphics.circle('line', v.x, v.y, v.r, 64)
function love.update(dt)
--mouse clicked position
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
if button == 1 then
mX = x
mY = y
mouseRemove(10) -- removes circle if clicked mouseRemove(mousePointerRadius)
if #rings >= 2 then
collision() -- removes rings that grow and collide
for i,v in ipairs(rings) do
--[[grows our rings via the vel set in ringColour then added to rings table when
the ring is created ]]
rings[i].r = rings[i].r + rings[i].vel
ringsRemove() -- rings get to big remove it
if spawntimer > 0 then -- countdown to spawn rings if time remaining greater than 0
spawntimer = spawntimer - dt
newRing() -- creates new ring if spawntimer runs out