Character movement with love.physics ?

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Character movement with love.physics ?

Post by Hiro »

Hello everyone!
I'm very new with lua and löve 2D and I'm starting a small game.
I wanted the camera to be directly above the character. So I came up creating a love.physics world with no gravity and I attached the player image to a body I created.

Should I move by character by adding force to the body or by changing the body coordinates ?

I tried to add force to the body with Body:applyForce but the body is sliding along the screen when no key is pressed and the velocity limit I tried put seems kinda glitchy...

Code: Select all

  vx, vy = objects.player.body:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint( player_x, player_y ) 

  if love.keyboard.isDown("z") and vy > -100 then
    objects.player.body:applyForce(0, -force)
  if love.keyboard.isDown("q") and vx > -100 then
    objects.player.body:applyForce(-force, 0)

  if love.keyboard.isDown("s") and vy < 100 then
    objects.player.body:applyForce(0, force)

  if love.keyboard.isDown("d") and vx < 100 then
    objects.player.body:applyForce(force, 0)
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Re: Character movement with love.physics ?

Post by ivan »

Yes, you should always use applyForce and applyImpulse to move things.
Setting the coordinates of a body manually works like teleportation, so your collisions will look terrible.

If your body "keeps sliding" is because of the first laws of physics:
"any object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an external force"...
So you'll need to introduce either friction or linear damping if you want the body to slow down.
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Re: Character movement with love.physics ?

Post by Hiro »

Okay I tried linear dampling and messed around with values and afterall it works very well !
Thanks <3
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Re: Character movement with love.physics ?

Post by RaycatRakittra »

I'd just like to add: if you're using this for a physics-based game, go ahead. Otherwise, love.physics might be too much. Consider x, y, dx, dy and modify the speed you move at, instead. I'd imagine something like:

Code: Select all

function love.update()
	-- Check for inputs
	if love.keyboard.isDown('<left>')
		dx = dx - 1
	if love.keyboard.isDown('<right>')
		dx = dx + 1
	-- Update appropriate coordinate
	x = x + dx
At that point, gravity and friction are pretty simple calculations.
Sometimes, I can code things.
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