Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:42 am

This is an exclusiv 3DS homebrew game i made in the last weeks.
Desktop version Info:
I attached a (hopefully) working .love file so you can test this without a 3DS. I dissabled the safe function on the desktop version, because i had some problems with that, but anything else should work fine. Note that there is a gap between the two screens on the 3ds, that why it looks a little bit weird on pc.
The button mapping is the same (Arrow keys, A is A, B is B ect.) to pause the game (START) press "P".
It's kinda hard to describe what you have to do in the game, just look at the screenshots, and watch the crappy gameplay gif. everything else you need to know is explained ingame.
The main inspiration was the android game VoxelRush 3D, wich is also pretty cool.
The game features two (two!) gamemodes, a super fast action gameplay, fancy colors, and you can actually save your highscore if you quit the game using the "Quit Game" button in the menu (3ds only).
Differences between the two gamemodes:
In Classic mode you have random events every 45 seconds for 15 secs. You can use a boost for a short time and also there are items to collect (lives, shield & boost).
In Clean mode you don't have these features.
Crappy gameplay GIF
(It's more action if you actually play it)

more (better) images HERE
The menu images are not up to date, i changed the menu buttons i little bit in the version 1.1
Credits (GBAtemp user links):
@VideahGams for his awesome Löve2D port
@TurtleP for everything he made for LövePotion
@hoksyjp for helping me releasing this
LöVE IRC for always helping me even with my dumbest problems
Anybody else who helped me in the last days with löve/lövepotion problems.
Actual 3ds release files:
note that it takes a few seconds to load the game!