Quadtastic - A tool to manage sprite sheets and color palettes
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:18 pm
tl;dr: Check out Quadtastic and let me know what you think
Heya! First post, and first serious lua and Love2D project.
Something that bugged me when using quads in Love was that you had to type out the coordinates and dimensions manually. Over time, the idea for a tool to solve this inconvenience grew in my mind, and the result of that is Quadtastic.
It's a simple tool that tries to do one thing: It lets you specify quads directly on your sprite sheet so that you can refer to sprites by name, rather than by coordinates.
For the full list of features, check out the itch.io page.
Documentation is on GitHub, but still a bit rough...
There's an example project to give you a rough idea of how using Quadtastic affects your source code.
It's free, open source, and MIT licensed.
Now, a full-blown app might seem like a bit of an overkill for the small inconvenience that Quadtastic wants to solve, but I learned a lot about lua and Love in the process, wrote my own little immediate-mode GUI library, and I want to get into the habit of actually publishing my side-projects, so here it is.
There are a few things I want to add in the near future. In particular, I'd like to add a "strip" feature that generates a strip of similar quads. I imagine that this could be useful for animations and pixel fonts. However, how I implement this depends on your feedback. I want to make Quadtastic a smooth, non-disruptive part of your workflow, and I have too little experience myself to judge that.
Also, depending on the feedback I will add more export types so that Quadtastic can be used for more than just Love projects. But we'll see. Edit: Starting with Quadtastic 0.6, you can now export your quads as JSON or XML, and you can even write your own exporters if you need more flexibility.
I'd greatly appreciate to hear what you think, and I hope that the first comment won't be "oh you should have checked out X, it does exactly that!"
Heya! First post, and first serious lua and Love2D project.
Something that bugged me when using quads in Love was that you had to type out the coordinates and dimensions manually. Over time, the idea for a tool to solve this inconvenience grew in my mind, and the result of that is Quadtastic.
It's a simple tool that tries to do one thing: It lets you specify quads directly on your sprite sheet so that you can refer to sprites by name, rather than by coordinates.
For the full list of features, check out the itch.io page.
Documentation is on GitHub, but still a bit rough...
There's an example project to give you a rough idea of how using Quadtastic affects your source code.
It's free, open source, and MIT licensed.
Now, a full-blown app might seem like a bit of an overkill for the small inconvenience that Quadtastic wants to solve, but I learned a lot about lua and Love in the process, wrote my own little immediate-mode GUI library, and I want to get into the habit of actually publishing my side-projects, so here it is.
There are a few things I want to add in the near future. In particular, I'd like to add a "strip" feature that generates a strip of similar quads. I imagine that this could be useful for animations and pixel fonts. However, how I implement this depends on your feedback. I want to make Quadtastic a smooth, non-disruptive part of your workflow, and I have too little experience myself to judge that.
I'd greatly appreciate to hear what you think, and I hope that the first comment won't be "oh you should have checked out X, it does exactly that!"