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Atom Love2D Console Plugin?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:41 pm
by TheOddByte
The title already says half of my question, is it possible to have the Love Console running in the Atom IDE? Because I'd LÖVE that :awesome:
Because I've searched for packages and I couldn't find any, currently I'm using the Love-IDE plugin which enables me to quickly run my game and open a CMD / iTerm window.

I'm currently using Windows and I don't like that it opens a CMD window and would much rather have it show up in Atom in some sort of console box, the reason why I want this is because I'm using two screens and usually keep Atom running in fullscreen on one, and run my Love game on the other. Other reasons are that it would look nicer and would feel much cleaner, plus I would feel like it would make me more productive when it comes to debugging.

Offtopic: I'm currently developing a Controller Library, is Padawan a good name for it?( got the idea from gamePAD ) If not, then please feel free to give a name suggestion.

Re: Atom Love2D Console Plugin?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:20 pm
by Sulunia
TheOddByte wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:41 pm The title already says half of my question, is it possible to have the Love Console running in the Atom IDE? Because I'd LÖVE that :awesome:
Because I've searched for packages and I couldn't find any, currently I'm using the Love-IDE plugin which enables me to quickly run my game and open a CMD / iTerm window.

I'm currently using Windows and I don't like that it opens a CMD window and would much rather have it show up in Atom in some sort of console box, the reason why I want this is because I'm using two screens and usually keep Atom running in fullscreen on one, and run my Love game on the other. Other reasons are that it would look nicer and would feel much cleaner, plus I would feel like it would make me more productive when it comes to debugging.

Offtopic: I'm currently developing a Controller Library, is Padawan a good name for it?( got the idea from gamePAD ) If not, then please feel free to give a name suggestion.
Warding 'cuz i just thought about asking this earlier today myself. The windows CMD seens clunky, although it works. Using lovec.exe to run projects on Atom doesn't seen to spawn a console window...

And nice name on the library, btw. :crazy:

Re: Atom Love2D Console Plugin?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:58 pm
by TheOddByte
Yeah I hope this is possible, guess I'll just have to wait and see.
And guess I'll stick with that name then, I'm going offtopic again, but I don't want to start a new thread to get some suggestions.
What do you think of these functions? Should I change some names? Add some functions? Change any arguments for functions?

Code: Select all joystick )                    > padawan class/object
    Padawan:loadBindings( path )               > true or false
    Padawan:saveBindings( path )               > true or false
    Padawan:clearBindings()                    > nil
    Padawan:setBinding( key, name, threshold ) > true or false
    Padawan:setBindings( bindings )            > true or false
    Padawan:setKeyboardBindings( bindings )    > true or false
    Padawan:setControllerBindings( bindings )  > true or false
    Padawan:isConnected()                      > true or false
    Padawan:setJoystick( joystick )            > true or false
    Padawan:getJoystick()                      > joystick
    Padawan:getType()                          > "controller" or "keyboard"
    Padawan:setType( type )                    > true or false
    Padawan:onPress( name, action )            > true or false
    Padawan:onRelease( name, action )          > true or false
    Padawan:onHold( name, time, action )       > true or false
    Padawan:setGlobalPressDelay( delay )       > true or false
    Padawan:getGlobalPressDelay()              > delay
    Padawan:setPressDelay( name, delay )       > true or false
    Padawan:getPressDelay( name )              > delay
    Padawan:isPressed( name )                  > true or false
    Padawan:isHeld( name, time )               > true or false
    Padawan:isDown( name )                     > axis/1 or false, time_held
    Padawan:release( name )                    > true or false
    Padawan:update( dt )                       > nil
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Re: Atom Love2D Console Plugin?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:15 am
by yougetagoldstar
Hi. i use atom too. This is possible.

I'm using a package called love-ide by rameshvarun. sadly i got it a while ago and i don't remember where, but I'm sure a google search will bring it up quickly.

don't forget to set the system path to the folder the love2d exe is in... again, sadly, i did this so long ago i forgot how i did it. I'm about 90% sure you need to do this.

if you want to make the console (terminal, command prompt) show using this, go into the package settings of the love-ide package in atom and you can enable it there. after you enable it use the appropriate commands in your conf.lua file to enable console.

Re: Atom Love2D Console Plugin?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:38 am
by TheOddByte
yougetagoldstar wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:15 am ...
Did you even read my post..? I'm using Love-IDE, and I don't want to open a new window, I want to show the console output INSIDE atom and not open a new window.