I'm struggling with rendering fonts when I have multiple screen sizes (scaling x and y independently) and a fixed font size. For some reason, if I first render the font in a canvas and then resize the canvas to a bigger one using "nearest" filter, the final image looks lighter and sharper than if I printed the text already scaled. Here's the comparison:
1) Print text (love.graphics.printf) in an auxiliar canvas with scale = 1, then draw the canvas (love.graphics.draw) in the screen using scale = 2. Result: http://prnt.sc/eeu7d6
2) Print text directly in the screen (love.graphics.printf) with scale = 2. Result: http://prnt.sc/eeu4cj
Currently I'm using the first case as a workaround, but it only looks good for more pixelated fonts. With some fonts, like Arial, it looks horrible. Compare:
1) Result: http://prnt.sc/eeu8ug
2) Result: http://prnt.sc/eeu9gn
Although both cases look bad, I believe the second case would look better if it wasn't darker. Does anyone know why does it look darker or what can I do to correct it? Have anyone had the same problem? Suggestions?
Thank you!
Font scaling problem
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- Positive07
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Re: Font scaling problem
This looks like you want the pre-multiplied BlendMode which is what you should use when drawing a Canvas. Or check the other Blend Modes until you find one that suits your needs
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[tab]if not person.obey then person:setObey(true) end
- GloamingCat
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Re: Font scaling problem
It really made lighter, thank you! The font still looks a bit blurred, though. But I think now the problem is in the font rendering or something like that. But anyway, thanks again!
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