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Invitation: Weekly Loop 3

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:36 pm
by s-ol

Hey Everyone,
this is an invitation to join the Weekly Loop 3 Streak on
A streak is pretty much a challenge that you take on for yourself to push yourself and do something regularily in a timeframe.
In this case I have set the challenge to be weekly over the duration of march and april.

So what exactly is a Loop?
Basically this is about making short animations or gifs that loop (perfectly).
This can be achieved rather easily with a little math and rendering (tip: modulo and periodic functions like sin are your friend).

I think everyone loves the 'no game' screens, and personally I want more of that :awesome:

Of course weekly participation isn't necessary and there's nothing to win - but it feels nice to look at 8 green rectangles next to each other :)

Some Examples
by leafo

by alts

by Andrew Glassner

by Tanner Rogalsky

by me

Most of the twitter accounts have loads more. If you follow the link to I also listed a few code repositories making these and tools for inspiration.
I'm also gonna make a simple Lua version of my love-gif-renderer until next week too.

I'm looking forward to see what ideas you can come up with ;)

Re: Invitation: Weekly Loop 3

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:25 am
by s-ol
I posted a simplified version of my demoloop 'framework' ported to Lua on gist, you can take a look at it here.
I feel like it's still a bit overcomplicated though, so I might slim it down further.

Anyhow, the streak has started now and the first submissions are in. Here's TannerRogalsky's:

and mine:

it's not/never too late to join, so come on and try :P