SquareWorld 0.8
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:12 pm
Finally I can showcase my newest game, SquareWorld, a 2D sandbox game. It is the biggest game I've ever made and I am quite proud of it, even if the performance made a lot of trouble (previous text moved into a quote on the bottom).
It might become the first game I try to sell (on itch.io), so it must be further improved. But since I use an own launcher and downloader, a lot of complex shaders and an extreme VRAM intensive rendering sytem I am sure it will crash on some systems. So I want to ask you, if you could take a look on SquareWorld and tell me, if the a) game launches b) water is displayed and c) if the game crashes at some point.
If a error occurs somewhat like "Out of VRAM" or the game just quits, try to decrease settings in the main-menu options. Thanks for reading this
Controls: WASD movement, mouse to dig/build, E inventory, R recipe book, T achievements/tutorial tree, Q throw item away
To prevent dying, hide instantly after spawning.
If you spawn in the earth, press CTRL + 9 and then T to teleport (it will open the achievement tree too, will be fixed soon)
Download the installer here (Windows only, for now) (extract the zip and launch Lovum.exe, create yourself an account, select SquareWorld on the left and press Install)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdlnlsaaybxi8 ... m.zip?dl=0
Universal .love installer is causing trouble, see last post for more info.
Old topic:
Finally I can showcase my newest game, SquareWorld, a 2D sandbox game. It is the biggest game I've ever made and I am quite proud of it, even if the performance made a lot of trouble (previous text moved into a quote on the bottom).
It might become the first game I try to sell (on itch.io), so it must be further improved. But since I use an own launcher and downloader, a lot of complex shaders and an extreme VRAM intensive rendering sytem I am sure it will crash on some systems. So I want to ask you, if you could take a look on SquareWorld and tell me, if the a) game launches b) water is displayed and c) if the game crashes at some point.
If a error occurs somewhat like "Out of VRAM" or the game just quits, try to decrease settings in the main-menu options. Thanks for reading this
Controls: WASD movement, mouse to dig/build, E inventory, R recipe book, T achievements/tutorial tree, Q throw item away
To prevent dying, hide instantly after spawning.
If you spawn in the earth, press CTRL + 9 and then T to teleport (it will open the achievement tree too, will be fixed soon)
Download the installer here (Windows only, for now) (extract the zip and launch Lovum.exe, create yourself an account, select SquareWorld on the left and press Install)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdlnlsaaybxi8 ... m.zip?dl=0
Universal .love installer is causing trouble, see last post for more info.
Old topic:
Squareworld is a 2D sandbox game in a very early alpha phase. And it has a very big problem: it is slow. The rendering is mainly based on canvases and shaders (to transfer material data between canvases) which gives the game a huge range of graphical possibilities (reflections, bloom, leaves waving, different surfaces when smoothing the edges of blocks, ...), but also decreases it's performamce dramatically. Sadly I programmed the game on my mid-end PC, where the game works fine and then tested it on different PCs. The result: out of VRAM, lags, not supported canvas format and more. I will need to recreate the entirely drawing-section of my game, but before I start removing everything which is not important I want to ask you, how I should do the drawing of the scene? Currently I render everything once per chunk (64² tiles) on a few canvases (different layers + materials) which leads to intensive canvases usage. Is it a good idea to mainly use canvases? Are there other ways, like spritebatches? Have you experience with similar games? I attached the latest version of the game and a screenshot to show what results I want (EDIT: removed screenshot since the case is fixed). The game may crash.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2eqbah85jcia ... .love?dl=0