So I don't understand code and computers as well as I thought I did..

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So I don't understand code and computers as well as I thought I did..

Post by wyrdo »

So I have very basic coding under my belt and I'm interesting in teaching my self coding for games. LOVE looked easy and not as intimidating. (And I think the name LOVE is pretty cute.)
Anyway, I'm a bit struggling to get sublime to work with LOVE. I'm a bit confused by the main.lau. I often get an error that saids I need a main.lua file on top of zip. With my kind of basic knowledge, I'm kind of dumb founded.
I am working on a Mac (and I hate it!), but sorry if this is a stupid question, but I haven't found any information which isn't dumbed down enough for me.
Thank you for any one who helps,
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Re: So I don't understand code and computers as well as I thought I did..

Post by Positive07 »

Hi Jason, and welcome to the forums.

First as I see that you have errors even running a project. To run a game you can run the command "love ." in the command line making sure that the command is executed in the folder where main.lua is (you can use the command "cd your/project/folder" to get there). If this is too hard, you can drag the folder where main.lua is on top of the LÖVE application. If you wanna make a .zip file and rename it to .love, make sure that when you open the .zip/.love file with your .zip tool you see main.lua, if you see a folder instead, you have packaged your game incorrectly and LÖVE won't be able to find the correct files. Check the wiki page for [wiki]Game Distribution[/wiki] for more information

As for tutorials, the most up to date one and a really good one indeed is Sheepolution's tutorial. Also if you still have problem understanding Lua syntax I recommend you check the PiL (the version available online is for Lua 5.0 so it may be a little bit outdated) and always have the Lua Manual handy as well as the LÖVE wiki, in these last two you can find each function Lua and LÖVE has and what it does.

I encourage you to start with simple stuff, print some text, draw an image, make a timer, make the image move, then maybe you can make a simple game (say pong or tic tac toe), then you can learn about STI which is pretty cool to make tiled maps, and then about Bump which is an easy way to implement physics, with these two you could create a top down game, or a platformer... This way you can grow more and more by reasonable steps.
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