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Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:30 am
by ExtraTerrestrial
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I want to get an opinion on this idea.
Set in the future but not all lasers and assault rifles because of the compressed oxygen in space stations and on spaceships weapons that would cause combustion like lasers ,tasers and traditional firearms cannot be used. An alien race has taken over a space station owned by the company you work for they have the ability control humans testing on all experienced combat technicians has revealed none of them are immune but you a new recruit seem to be A few survivors are holdout in the panic room and we have sent a few of our more hardened veterans with you but they must stay with the other survivors. They will offer advice and equipment but you must explore the station and exterminate the infestation alone .
That's a plot synopsis what y'all think

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:21 am
by zorg
First, using a phone is not an excuse to not use proper formatting like commas, periods and paragraphs; it's actually worse if you managed to write this on a desktop/laptop.

Second, what you wrote is a tad incomprehensible at a few parts, like you switched train of thoughts mid-sentence... not like you have more than two; you might want to edit the post and re-phrase yourself, while you're at it, fix the formatting issues too, so others can read it more comfortably.

Third, from what i could understand, it sounds like a neat idea. Other franchises probably have already done similar things to this, but that shouldn't hinder you from actually coding something to show off. (hint hint) :3

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:13 am
by Sir_Silver
I'm more a fantasy type of person than a sci-fi guy. :P However, if that is the type of game that you would want to play, then I definitely think it's the type of game you should try to make - regardless of whether or not other people are interested in it.

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:19 am
by ExtraTerrestrial
Sorry about the grammar I'll edit after I get some sleep I've been up all night but thanks.

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:27 pm
by ivan
Gameplay is usually the deciding factor whether a game is good or not - most players would gladly put up with a bad story as long as the gameplay is good.
As for the storyline: the idea of the evil aliens invading human territory is a little bit cliche in my opinion (first appears in 1980s Japanese arcade games I believe). I'm not saying it's a bad idea, and it could probably be executed well... all I'm saying it's not super original, in fact I don't remember playing any games where the aliens are cleverer/wiser than the humans. What about a race of aliens that are more elusive, subtle, non-violent and not reliant on technology like laser guns or whatever. :)

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:17 pm
by evgiz
ivan wrote:Gameplay is usually the deciding factor whether a game is good or not - most players would gladly put up with a bad story as long as the gameplay is good.
Unless this is a story-based game though, like a text adventure or whatever. Then the story IS the gameplay. Kinda.

The story seems solid enough, but what's the game like? RPG, action, platformer?

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:54 pm
by kikito
Your idea is worthless.

Not because it is specially bad or anything. What I mean is that all ideas are worthless.

What matters is execution. Execution is everything.

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:33 pm
by airstruck
Reminds me of an old board game called "Awful Green Things from Outer Space," published by TSR. Not a bad premise for a game, go for it!

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:53 pm
by Positive07

I recommend you watch this talk entirely, but if too long then go directly to 29min 23seconds, you should be able to pitch your game in 3 sentences or less, and be clear about what the real dynamic is.

I don't know if this is a shooter, roguelike, platformer, RPG or what... I don't really care about the story you know? I care more about the gameplay. So I'm not really interested in what you posted

Re: Game idea checking for interest

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:08 pm
by ivan
evgiz wrote:Unless this is a story-based game though, like a text adventure or whatever. Then the story IS the gameplay. Kinda.
True, the element of interactivity is what defines any game - for text-based adventures the gameplay would be dictated by the choices/decision you can make (so regardless of the plot, players need to be presented with interesting decisions). Either way, coming up with a good story is always a plus!