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Piskel animation parser for Löve2d

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:59 pm
by aerotune
Here's a simple parser for .piskel files from You can use it to load your .piskel animations directly into your Löve2D project without having to export any images. All layers are available separately. Meta data like name and layer opacity is available in the parsed data.

Check out the readme on github on how to use it:

TODO: Examples. It's usage is pretty simple and self-explanatory but I should add some examples anyway.

I must say this makes the workflow for pixel art animations pretty efficient.

Re: Piskel animation parser for Löve2d

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:20 pm
by evgiz
I've not heard about Piskel, but this looks great! It definitely sounds like an efficient workflow. Quite tempting even though I'm used to Pyxel Edit at this point, but I might have to try it out. Thanks for sharing!