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Expense: An Open Universe Sandbox Trade em' Up

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:18 am
by pedrosgali
Hey all,

Figured it was time to ask some folks to play this thing I've been working on for a while now, it's my first ever game, it started as an experiment to see if I could write a game completely from scratch starting with no knowledge and using nothing but Google. No community libraries were used in this game and all the images were made with an editor I wrote myself or procedurally generated, Talk about doing things the hard way :P

Expense is as the title suggests a trading game, I am attempting to make a kind of unholy merger of the "X" series and Open TTD.


Sprite editor to modify any asset in the game/add new ones,
Trade goods between planets,
Reactive economy, all trading affects the prices in the system,
Compete against a few behavior tree based AI's,
Buy more ships at Planets with shipyards (only two types at the minute but I will be adding more.),
Set automated trade routes.
Save/load your games.


Add equipment to your ships to help them fend off your enemies/pirates,
Buy war ships and assemble fleets to protect your assets or take the assets of others,
Player owned space stations to organize your trade more effectively,
Asteroid Mining,
Better Population simulation to allow growth/decline,
Reputation system to allow players to build their own factories/mines on planets.


--Main Game--
WASD: Move camera.
Up/Dn: Cycle through planets/stars.
Num+/Num-: Control time.
,/. or scroll: Zoom camera.
PgUp/PgDn: Cycle through your ships.

Left Click a planet to show the trade window for that planet.
Drag a box to select your ships.
Right click a planet to move selected ships there.

--Route Planner--

WASD: move camera
Left click a planet to add that planet to the current route,
Select goods in the window and click "Add Goods" to add the selected goods to the current route.
Right click a planet to open the trade window for that planet.

The game as it stands is far from polished but I would like some feedback if anyone has the time. :awesome:
Version 0.1.2
(10.36 MiB) Downloaded 305 times

Re: Expense: An Open Universe Sandbox Trade em' Up

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:43 am
by evgiz
The sun shader looks amazing! How did you achieve that effect?

Re: Expense: An Open Universe Sandbox Trade em' Up

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:03 pm
by pedrosgali
Thanks man, It's based on a shader at and I modified it to work with love.
The noise function it uses is from another shader on shadertoy which I'm planning on using for explosions when I finally get around to combat.

I really just hacked away at it for a couple of days until it worked, I never managed to get the main part of the star looking right so eventually I decided it was time to move on. I would like to go back to it and get that working though.