The last few days I decided to make a tetris clone. It still has a few kinks I'm working out/features I'd like to add. But then again what game doesn't.
- Attached: x86 build and the .love file
Scoring: Single lines < multiple lines < multiple lines combo'd by consecutive blocks
Saves: high score / sound on/off
Arrow keys
Space bar
lCTRL + Z/R (add remove blocks)
esc (cancel cheat)
ToDo :
- Key shortcuts - DONE
- Better Combo animation - DONE
Canceled features - Configurable Controls
- Add music
Conclusion (Final Version 1.2.1):
My current implementation of a selfmade GUI-lib is a bit shody.
(non-existant inheritance, use of globals)
I already rewrote it for the most parts for my next game. I've learned a lot of stuff regarding use of globals and how to implement inheritance in my class-structure.
The game itself was also flawed in some areas code wise. Some instances of the game should have been modularised (? is this a word) but I just wrote them as main code.
Overal though, the game turned out quite nice. It pointed me to some bugs in my GUI-lib that were very hard to spot otherwise and are now fixed.