Can you create an FMV using Love?

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Can you create an FMV using Love?

Post by AnnaClaire »

I know FMV's usually have scenes where they walk around and interact with the environment, but what I'm trying to do is create an interactive movie of sorts kind of like Virtual Morality
which is what I would call a mini movie with choices with different outcomes I would use this website to create my fmv but it's a website and I can't download nor have the control i would like to have...

So what I'm looking for is an engine that can switch scenes based on the users choice and have different a visual novel with video instead.

Choices appear on screen and users pick it and characters respond base on that choice you get a few different endings..

Thanks for reading I appreciate any answers I can get...
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Re: Can you create an FMV using Love?

Post by Tjakka5 »

You can play video using the video module:

And can switch scenes with a state manager, such as hump's gamestate:

You can also use a GUI library such as SUIT to create your buttons:

But that might just be overkill; creating your own buttons isn't that hard.
Then its up to you to create the rest of the game with those tools.
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