noise function toy
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:43 pm
Here is a really simple little program that lets you explore noise space - love.math.noise(x,y).
Use the arrow keys to move around in noise space which is displayed as a (nominal) 512x512 grey scale image.
the implementation is actually based on the perlin noise article and has 4 noise components in "octaves" which are enharmonic. the x/y components of each noise function can be different which gives interesting effects. Just tweak the various components and you can quickly learn about how the noise function works and maybe find a use for it in your game.
Use the arrow keys to move around in noise space which is displayed as a (nominal) 512x512 grey scale image.
the implementation is actually based on the perlin noise article and has 4 noise components in "octaves" which are enharmonic. the x/y components of each noise function can be different which gives interesting effects. Just tweak the various components and you can quickly learn about how the noise function works and maybe find a use for it in your game.