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[WIP] ~ LANWolf - Mafia/Werewolf over LAN

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:58 pm
by TheRedRaccoon
I was inspired by a certain reddit post the other day, and began making this:

Currently Implemented Features:
  • Host and Join games
  • Play as one of 3 roles (Villager, Mafioso, or Godfather)
  • Play by the Davidoff, Plotkin, or Teset rules
Utilizes: Image

At the moment, it is largely a work-in-progress, however, the game is more-or-less playable using the Davidoff (1/3 of players are Mafiosi; no special roles), Plotkin (regardless of number, always 2 Mafiosi; no special roles), and Teset (1/3 of players are Mafiosi; Godfather role is playable) rules .
The game can be hosted by a device by using the 'Start Game' button, and joined by using the 'Join Game' button.

If you simply want to test things out on a computer, you can start a pseudo-hotseat game by using LoveDebug (Shift + F8) and typing in 'game.init(x)' (where 'x' is the number of players to simulate). Once that has been done, you choose a ruleset, then you can use the command 'debugplayer = x' to take control of player x.

Re: [WIP] ~ LANWolf - Mafia/Werewolf over LAN

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:45 pm
by Xugro
Nice Idea! :)

I think it would be easier if you only make the server in Löve and the client in HTML+JS. Then people could just use their smartphones without installing extra software. They just have to enter the IP-adress or scan a QR-code from the server.

Re: [WIP] ~ LANWolf - Mafia/Werewolf over LAN

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:41 am
by TheRedRaccoon
Xugro wrote:Nice Idea! :)

I think it would be easier if you only make the server in Löve and the client in HTML+JS. Then people could just use their smartphones without installing extra software. They just have to enter the IP-adress or scan a QR-code from the server.
I suppose I could, but I find it easier (personally) to have a single app setup. Either way seems as equally straight forward to me.
(And easier to monetize, should that become the case...)

Re: [WIP] ~ LANWolf - Mafia/Werewolf over LAN

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:50 pm
by TheRedRaccoon

Implemented the Plotkin (always 2 Mafiosi) and Teset (Davidoff, but now one of the Mafiosi will be a Godfather) rules.

Laid down some framework for future, more interactive roles.

Rewrote the voting system to be much smaller, simpler, and smarter (K.I.S.S. and all that).