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[LD36] Crypt of Bullets, a retro action/dungeon crawler!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:14 pm
by evgiz
Hey everyone!This is my first post on the forums and also my first game made with LÖVE.

I find it really exciting to learn new languages and libraries and this Ludum Dare I decided to dive head-first into Love2d.
My background is mainly Java and C# so lua was quite different, but very nice to use! Especially the lua tables is something I found very cool.

The game is randomly generated using a set of designed rooms. You can collect powerups and coins and unlock new palettes for future runs. I'm quite happy with the result as I had pretty much no prior knowledge of Lua or scripting languages in general.

For those who wanna check it out, links to the LD entry and timelapse can be found here:

The source is a mess and not something I would like to expand on (which I guess is common for 48h games), but I managed to get a decent grasp of how semi-OOP and entities can be done in lua. For those interested source can be downloaded here: ...

All in all I found love2d to be very user friendly and I'll be looking forward to learning more about it and creating new games with it!
I've also been looking into different libraries made for love2d and they all look very promising!

Thanks for reading! :)