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erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:01 pm
by McFree
Error: map.lua:14: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'mapPosX' (a nil value)
It can not change the global variable is initialized in the same lua file, but only when you start the game


Code: Select all

function initMap()
  mapShow = false
  mapPosX = -80;
  mapPosY = -50;
  colorChanged = false;

function drawMap()
	lg.draw(gameMap, gameMapQuad, mapPosX, mapPosY);
	lg.draw(gameMapView, gameMapQuad, mapPosX, mapPosY);

function moveMap(X,Y)
	nextPosX = mapPosX+X; --Then an error occurs
 	nextPosY = mapPosY+Y; -- Here, too, there is an error
	dx = 0;
	dy = 0;
	r, g, b, a = gameMapData:getPixel(windowWidth/2-nextPosX+dx,windowHeight/2-nextPosY+dy);
	if a >= 50 then
		mapPosX = nexpPosX;
		mapPosY = nextPosY;
		r, g, b, a = gameMapData:getPixel(windowWidth/2-nextPosX+dx,windowHeight/2-mapPosY+dy)
	   	if a >= 50 then
	    	mapPosX = nextPosX;
	    r, g, b, a = gameMapData:getPixel(windowWidth/2-mapPosX+dx,windowHeight/2-nextPosY+dy)
	    if a >= 50 then
	    	mapPosY = nextPosY;
I attach a file to the topic .love Link

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:05 pm
by 4aiman
I'll put the same answer here as well. Just in case. Moderators will do what has to be done anyway :)

You've got a little tiny typo on line #20 of map.lua.
It's "nextPosX", not "nexpPosX". :)

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:00 pm
by McFree
4aiman wrote:I'll put the same answer here as well. Just in case. Moderators will do what has to be done anyway :)

You've got a little tiny typo on line #20 of map.lua.
It's "nextPosX", not "nexpPosX". :)
Thank you for at least one bug fixed :D

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:41 pm
by Rucikir
You should use luacheck. It's a tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code, and I beleive it could have detected your mistake.

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:58 am
by 4aiman
Rucikir wrote:You should use luacheck. It's a tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code, and I beleive it could have detected your mistake.
Does it work with love2d? I couldn't find any info on that.
Right now it seems to me that this tool will complain about every other love.* function out there.
(Shall we start a separate thread? Anyone?)

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:24 pm
by Rucikir
luacheck detects global variables like 'love'. You can simply add your own global definitions by the command line or with a .luacheckrc file.
As LÖVE uses LuaJIT and exports all its functions in the global table 'love', a good start could be:

Code: Select all

luacheck main.lua --std luajit --globals love
An example on a -very- simple code that looks like OP's problem:
$ luacheck -
local a = b
Checking stdin 1 warning

stdin:1:11: accessing undefined variable b

Total: 1 warning / 0 errors in 1 file
The luacheck + LÖVE duo could be difficult to work with, I noticed that a lot of projects make extensive use of globals.

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:55 pm
by zorg
Or just use strict.lua, since that's what it's for. Well, almost.

Re: erroneous arithmetic operations with a global variable

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:33 am
by 4aiman
Ah.... The strict.lua!
The thing which had made my life harsh for a couple of weeks back in early 2015 :)

Anyway, "--globals love" is *not* detection. It's a good thing one can tune up luacheck to accept unknown vars, though.