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Could not set write directory on Android 6

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:58 am
by develCuy
I got his exact same error: ... -android-6
The method used is the correct and this only happens on Android 6, it works well on previous versions.

Re: Could not set write directory on Android 6

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:29 am
by bobbyjones
Could check to see if using the external save flag changes anything. Or rather I should ask if you are using the external save flag.

Edit: After some testing using external storage seems to work. You can try it by doing

Code: Select all

 t.externalstorage = true
Hopefully that works for you. I did a quick google search to find out what could have possibly have changed between 5 and 6 but i cant find anything. Maybe it has to do with permissions.