Getting ready for LD (Small prototype)
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:05 am
Hi all, I've just gotten into lua and wanted to test whether or not it was truth that dynamic languages are good for fast prototyping. So I grabbed love2d and started playing with it, and I was really surprised how utterly simple it is to get something going in this framework.
From the first few hours of coding(in a horrible fashion), I got a simple game that even has a main screen.
A brand new experience for someone with a static languages background like me.
Also, this tool will definitely be an advantage when the time comes for ludum dare.
Link to the game
From the first few hours of coding(in a horrible fashion), I got a simple game that even has a main screen.
A brand new experience for someone with a static languages background like me.
Also, this tool will definitely be an advantage when the time comes for ludum dare.
Link to the game