Problem with table serialization

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Problem with table serialization

Post by Manyrio »

I have problem while loading (or saving, I don't really know) my map, it does things like these :
here's the code :

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-- this is for import map to string
function map2string(maptable,typeser)
  local sz = ''
  for y = 0, map.height do
    local row = {}
    for x = 0, map.width do
      local c = typeser[maptable[x][y]]
      c = (c ~= nil) and c or ' '
      if not tostring(c):len() == 1 then
        error("non-ANSI character on:" .. x .. ',' .. y)
      row[x] = c
    sz = sz .. table.concat(row) .. '\n'
  return sz
-- this is for import string to map
local x, y = 0, 0
for l in string.gmatch(, "(.-)\n") do
  for c in string.gmatch(l, ".") do
    if map_signloader[c] ~= "nil" and x < map.width+1 then
      map_level[x][y] = map_signloader[c]
    x = x + 1
  x, y = 0, y + 1
Hope you can help me !
function love.load() end
function love.update(dt) end
function love.draw() end
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by Plu »

Unless you tell us what's wrong about the image you posted, I don't think we can really help you.
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by Manyrio »

Yep sorry ^^

It make some horizontal shift like this :
function love.load() end
function love.update(dt) end
function love.draw() end
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by pgimeno »

I can see nothing wrong in the new image either. What horizontal shift? Can you maybe take gimp or something, and produce an image of how it should look like, and how it actually looks like?
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by Manyrio »

Yes no prb, here an exemple :
before :
after :
function love.load() end
function love.update(dt) end
function love.draw() end
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by pgimeno »

Can anyone else see a problem?
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by pedrosgali »

I think the problem is with counting from 0 to map.width instead of map.width - 1, it thinks the map is one wider than it is so the first block of row 2 is on the end of line 1. After a few lines the map would look very different. This is a total guess though, not a lot of info to go on here.

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if not wearTheseGlasses() then
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by Positive07 »

A .love file will be better to help you fix the issue

Or at least a map file
for i, person in ipairs(everybody) do
[tab]if not person.obey then person:setObey(true) end
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Re: Problem with table serialization

Post by Manyrio »

Thank you pedrosgali, I resolved the problem, it was exactly what you said.
function love.load() end
function love.update(dt) end
function love.draw() end
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