The Better GUI framework for Love

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The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by aswinmohanme »

I know the Best is subjective , but everyone can recommend a better one.
I am just starting out with Love and has created a small game [ Ashamed to show it right now , but i will] and I am thinking about building the GUI next. I came across a couple [ or a lot ] of them and I am caught in the Paradox of Choice , because everything looks the same to me.

So could someone point out a good mature skinnable GUI for Love . Thanks in Advance.
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by palmettos »

I recommend LoveFrames, but that means you might have to use love2d <0.10.0. I believe it's only compatible with 0.9.x and isn't maintained anymore.
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by Plu »

Do you have any special requirements for the library? Usually you pick a tool because it's good at what you aim to do with it :)
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by aswinmohanme »

Thanks Everyone . I do have some Custom Requirements in Mind

- Easy to Pick Up
- Themeable
- Actively Maintained
- Look Decent ( Optional )
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by steven777 »

I have a bullshit one i wrote for a game im currently working on. you can make it look crappy in the begining as long as the frame work for your game isnt going to change much.

Right now im working on networking then ill build the game and menus around the networking environment for multiplayer.

if it just needs a basi interface then i suggest just using any as a place holder untill you want to work on your own version of the GUI.

just some speed programming advice. I could send you my code but its just a place holder i wrote to just give it some options.( its a main menu not in game menu... )
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by vrld »

Let's see how SUIT fits your requirements:
aswinmohanme wrote:- Easy to Pick Up
I'd argue SUIT is easier to use than other libraries, but because it's an immediate mode gui (imgui) you might need to unlearn some stuff first.
aswinmohanme wrote:- Themeable
It's not (yet) fully documented, but you can change the look of every widget. The look is defined by a function that takes the widget's payload, the options and a bounding box and draws something on the screen. See theme.lua for the default theme.
You can override the drawing function for each widget by providing the "draw" option, or swap out the whole theme by replacing "suit.theme" with a custom theme.
SUIT also has image buttons, which are an easy way to get custom looks without changing the theme at all.
aswinmohanme wrote:- Actively Maintained
Sort of. I would like to put more time into it, but work won't let me. Contributions are always welcome though!
aswinmohanme wrote:- Look Decent ( Optional )
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I've seen worse.
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by aswinmohanme »

Sorry for the Late Reply. SUIT really was what I was looking for . Thanks !
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Re: The Better GUI framework for Love

Post by CanadianGamer »

I usually don't use a framework. I just manually do it. I find it much easier and more versatile that way.
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