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project for osx-frameworks available?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:26 pm
by fictorial
Hi -- I am playing around with an iOS port of LÖVE. I'm having all manner of problems building DevIL for iOS. It's quite poorly written.

Anyway, I notice that you have prebuilt frameworks for Mac OS X for all of LÖVE's dependencices, including DevIL.

Unfortunately, these do not contain architecture support for ARM which is needed for iOS device targets.

Do you happen to have the XCode project available that builds these frameworks for Mac OS X? That might be a good starting point for me to include in them ARM architecure support.

I tried doing it myself but I then needed to go down the rabbit hole and include the source of libjpeg, libtiff, jasper, libmng, etc in the XCode project.

I do fear that you simply installed the dependencies for DevIL via MacPorts/Fink/Homebrew which only include i386/x86_64 ... in which case I'm on my own and I'd probably rewrite the image support in LÖVE to use Apple's ImageIO framework. But the less disruption the better I think... so let me know.


Re: project for osx-frameworks available?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:18 am
by bmelts
Hey, good luck with that! I never finished mine.

Making LÖVE on iOS has the larger issue that you can't really use any LGPL-licensed libraries, of which there are two we use - DevIL and mpg123. (Technically, the version of SDL we use is as well, but the iOS version is zlib-licensed.) When I was working on my port, I wrote an ImageIO love.image backend, and I believe I dropped mpg123 for the Cocoa mp3 decoder in love.sound. (I also totally dropped SDL, as 1.3/2.0 was not as far along then as it is now.)

As for the rest - they're fairly easy to build. For the ones I had to build myself, I just downloaded the source tarballs, dumped them into an Xcode project, and hit Build. Occasionally I needed to drop some extra flags, but that was unusual. The only frameworks that didn't work for were mpg123 and libmodplug - you can't use mpg123 anyway, but for libmodplug, there's no way around the command-line, as far as I know.)

Re: project for osx-frameworks available?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:18 am
by fictorial
Hey yeah... There's that.

Also, it is a much bigger can of worms than I was expecting. I was looking at making an implementation of the love api atop cocos2d-iphone. But, either way, it just looks like a lot of work that I'm realizing I probably do not have time to commit to. :roll: