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Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:19 pm
by bladum

Do we have any community projects ongoing ?

I think about something like "love game jam" on the forum, or "one game engine + mod jam" so one game / or rather game engine and people adding their own modules to it ?

Let me give you simple example:
1) one person is doing simple physics game like ( i know, MMO are very difficult, this is just example)
2) second person is doing "mod" by adding his own 4 ships to it with its own rules, that can be added without any per-requsities to the game (just by add require"myMod")
3) repeat step 2) few times
4) users / players can they pick which mods like the most and add / remove them based on what they like

This is not many several games made on same engine. This is one bigger game, yet in modules that can be used separately. The core game is very simple, and mods are defining its quality.

Another similar example is game like star control - melee part but done multiplayer. One engine + one mod = one ship with its own unique abilities.


Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:20 am
by DanielPower
There was a Love2D Community RPG in development at one point. That was before I joined the community, and I don't think it ever got very far into development. ... elyRPG.pdf

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:11 am
by bladum
Thanks, but this is not what i was thinking about.

I am thinking about decentralized project. You do not need game design document or any "management" people for such activity.
The only thing required here would be either API or just sample "mod module" to be used by others. You do not need to coordinate people that way. Of course it does not work for every type of game :) But examples like or star control - melee are good ones.

This is how open x-com is being done with very nice results.

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:39 am
by zorg
That's not really a game jam or a "community" project, more like a "Here's an engine, please make modules and mods for it for me" project.

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:07 am
by bladum
Well you can call this "thing" like that :)

I am not saying i have an engine, neither i have idea for game. I am just curious does something like this was tried with Love ? as Lua is great language to actually make such a project reality thanks to simple require module.

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:48 pm
by bladum
Anyone or any teams try to make Love version of game like Star Control II (melee mode) ?

One engine on which others build their own ships. Does not have to be pure fighting.

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:16 pm
by Trebgarta
Well, how about you do it?

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:56 pm
by bladum
Yes i could, well that is the whole point.

I spent 3 years doing games in Corona SDK using Lua. Recently i did prototype how such project could look like (but in Game Maker). There are more then 40 ships, all from Star Control and much more. You can even build walls and towers, perform spells, change fog of war or gravity, create portals and stop / reflect bullets.

Now we could do the same in Love2D, both engine and lets say 30 ships. I can do it (just like the Game maker version) but it does not create a game. Still need to balance it, think about nice game modes and basically make this fun. And this needs time & people. After that we can consider either bots or local multiplayer (nothing fancy like MMO, just standard client server). Love2D is capable of that to some extend. Dont need 30 players on the map, just 3 vs 3 would be great.

Please let me know what do you think ?

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:18 pm
by Trebgarta
I mean, if you need testers and modders, those games' communities would be a better place to ask. I am not really interested, and I doubt many of the developers here would be.

You can do anything you want in löve2d. It is very capable, I'd argue it is even more capable than game maker.

Re: Love2D game jam / mod jam / community projects ?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:29 pm
by bladum
testers & modders prefer rather to work on something that is not under early development, dont you think ? :)

i was rather thinking that "mod" is actually set of lua files that contains new logic which is build on the top of base functionality. Like some ships here

Some of the ships are actually used for building stuff or control environment is very unusual way. Even like "portal ship" that could be used both for teleportation of ship but also bullets on the other side of the map. This means you can add complete new level of gameplay and i am completely ok with that :) That is the whole point of this idea. Shooter-craft or something like that.

And Love2D is perfect to do it as both engine and modding is done in Lua.

anyway, thanks for feedback