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Simple Car Game

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:39 am
by covetiii
Here's a simple game I made for my kids (ages 3 and 5).

You drive a car avoiding the obstacles keeping up with the camera. If you fall too far behind, you lose and the game starts over. There is no win condition (you'll run out of map if you get far enough, but I think I put that back far enough so it's not practical).

Use the mouse to pick your car and color and the keyboard to drive (or you can hold the mouse down to drive too) . Also works with iOS (I used slime's port back in December, I haven't tried the official port yet).

I used bump for physics, and gamera to manage the game camera. Thanks to kikito for those great libs!

I used these for the graphics: and I got the audio files from SuperTuxKart.

My best time is not so great - I'm sure you guys will probably beat it ;-)

Re: Simple Car Game

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:03 pm
by alberto_lara
That's sweet :) I like the gameplay, simple but good enough for kids