I've tried that Mixins idea and it seems to be partially working. I can get the Image button to work if I don't try to add the Movement methods to work, and I can get half of the movement methods to work and to be added into the table of the object but this breaks the Image methods, even though they seem to still be there.
I found that the image method for drawing wasn't using the one from the image object in the merged object so I tried to only add in movement methods to the image object that the object didn't already have, to avoid an over write, but it seems the method adding code I'm using is very buggy because just crawling through the key and value pairs of the movement object seems to break the image one?
This is what logs using inspect.inspect() just after creating the MoveableImageObject using the following code
Code: Select all
Program starting as '"C:\Program Files\love\love.exe" "C:\Users\Skeletonxf\Documents\Lua\Tools"'.
Program 'love.exe' started in 'C:\Users\Skeletonxf\Documents\Lua\Tools' (pid: 4008).
h = 48,
image = <userdata 1>,
imageHov = <userdata 2>,
message = "test",
moveSpeed = 40,
vertices = { { 0, 24, 0, 0.5, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 48, 0, 1, 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 48, 24, 1, 0.5, 255, 255, 255 }, { 48, 48, 1, 1, 255, 0, 0 }, { 0, 48, 0, 1, 255, 0, 0 } },
w = 98,
x = -250,
y = 50,
<metatable> = <1>{
__index = <table 1>,
buttonClicked = <function 1>,
click = false,
moveSpeed = 30,
moveable = false,
setMoveSpeed = <function 2>,
update = <function 3>,
<metatable> = <2>{
__index = <table 2>,
animateButton = <function 4>,
buttonClicked = <function 5>,
checkActive = <function 6>,
checkCanClick = <function 7>,
clickRegister = false,
defaultActiveIf = "",
draw = <function 8>,
getState = <function 9>,
inRange = <function 10>,
makeActiveIf = <function 11>,
move = <function 12>,
moveCentreTo = <function 13>,
moveTo = <function 14>,
setDefaultActiveIf = <function 15>,
setSize = <function 16>,
setState = <function 17>,
state = true,
update = <function 18>,
<metatable> = <3>{
__index = <table 3>,
draw = <function 19>,
getArea = <function 20>,
getCentreX = <function 21>,
getCentreY = <function 22>,
getH = <function 23>,
getW = <function 24>,
getX2 = <function 25>,
getY2 = <function 26>,
h = 50,
isMouseOver = <function 27>,
setCentre = <function 28>,
setCentreX = <function 29>,
setCentreY = <function 30>,
setH = <function 31>,
setW = <function 32>,
w = 50,
<metatable> = <4>{
__index = <table 4>,
getMessage = <function 33>,
getX = <function 34>,
getY = <function 35>,
message = "",
moveX = <function 36>,
moveY = <function 37>,
new = <function 38>,
setMessage = <function 39>,
setX = <function 40>,
setXY = <function 41>,
setY = <function 42>,
x = 0,
y = 0
I don't quite get how the methods are being added in when none of the || logs, which is perhaps why things are breaking.