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GLSL: indexing an array with a variable?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:54 pm
by arundel
I've been attempting the whole day to get some simple shader glsl code to work. The shader is supposed to make some stripey colored lines from a one dimensional Lua color containing table. The random colors are set up in Lua in the 'voxel_table', which is sent to the shader with shader:send("voxel_table",unpack(voxel_table)).

The voxel_table format is: { {0.93456,0.235466,0.112356}, {0.767734,0.342211,0.324235}, ... }.

I already checked that the values are random.

This is my shader code (the Lua part of the script isn't important):

Code: Select all

shader =[[

	extern vec4 voxel_table[1024];
    int index;
	vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 pc)
	    vec4 pixel = Texel(texture, texture_coords); // current pixel 
	    pixel.rgba = vec4(voxel_table[index][0],voxel_table[index][1],voxel_table[index][2],voxel_table[index][3]);
		return pixel;
(Ignore the formatting, I don't know how to fix it in the code box.)

So I heard that indexing arrays in GLSL with a variable is glitchy or not possible at all. I don't know anything about GLSL. There is no error, but all pixels are colored one color, which is not supposed to happen (remember, I need stripes).

My suspicion is that the 'index' variable in the GLSL code doesn't want to update/assign to pixel.x for some reason. I back this statement up with the fact that when I change index to: "index = int(0)" or "index = int(5)", etc, all pixels will change to one color (but no stripes, of course). Any help would be appreciated.

Re: GLSL: indexing an array with a variable?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:51 pm
by slime
Color component values in GLSL generally range from 0-1 (rather than 0-255 or whatever).

Re: GLSL: indexing an array with a variable?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 6:39 pm
by arundel
The voxel_table format is: { {0.93456,0.235466,0.112356}, {0.767734,0.342211,0.324235}, ... }.
They're all numbers between 0 and 1 so an invalid number range can't be the problem. Btw, the alpha values I forgot to show in this example, but in the script they're there and have a value of 1.

Here's a real sample of the color data:

Code: Select all


Re: GLSL: indexing an array with a variable?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 7:56 pm
by arundel
I fixed the problem! Apparantly I shouldn't have used index = int(pixel.x), but index = int(pc.x) instead (screen coordinates). Now it makes stripey colorful stripes. :3

The fire is extinguished, nothing to see here people, move on. <:)