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How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 4:43 am
by QuerkyBren
Hi, I'm new to the fourms.

I'm getting started In LOVE2D and I want to make my player to keep moving after I press an arrow key (Like Snake but with only one square) Instead of It stop moving after I let go of the arrow key.

This Is the whole source btw:

Code: Select all

function love.load()
hero = {}
hero.x = 0 -- the position of the player
hero.y = 0
hero.speed = 200 --  the speed of the player
l = 0 -- to detect what key the player last pressed/ left
r = 0 -- right
u = 0 -- up
d = 0 -- down

function love.update(dt)
     -- controls
if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
  hero.x = hero.x - hero.speed*dt
	 l = 1
	 r = 0
	 u = 0
	 d = 0
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
     hero.x = hero.x + hero.speed*dt
	 l = 0
	 r = 1
	 u = 0
	 d = 0
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
     hero.y = hero.y - hero.speed*dt
	 l = 0
	 r = 0
	 u = 1
	 d = 0
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
     hero.y = hero.y + hero.speed*dt
	 l = 0
	 r = 0
	 u = 0
	 d = 1

function love.draw()
	 -- hero/player, 25, 134, 255) -- sets colour of player"fill", hero.x, hero.y, 55, 55) -- makes player drawn/visible
	 -- debug en la gamo/ debug in the game,0,0,255), 1100, 700), 1100, 650)"x", 1080, 700)"y", 1080, 650), 1100, 450)"l", 1080, 450), 1100, 500)"r", 1080, 500), 1100, 550)"u", 1080, 550), 1100, 600)"d", 1080, 600)
	 -- background,200,0) -- so It dosn't look so creepy black

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:42 am
by Tjakka5
You're on the right path; something like this should do.

Code: Select all

lastKey = ""
movement = {
   w = {x= 0, y=-1},
   a = {x=-1, y= 0},
   s = {x= 0, y= 1},
   d = {x= 1, y= 0},

player = {
   x = 0,
   y = 0,
   speed = 200,

function love.update(dt)
   if movement[lastKey] then
      local dir = movement[lastKey]
      player.x = player.x + dir.x * player.speed * dt
      player.y = player.y + dir.y * player.speed * dt

function love.keypressed(key)
   lastKey = key

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:21 am
by QuerkyBren
Tjakka5 wrote:You're on the right path; something like this should do.

Code: Select all

lastKey = ""
movement = {
   w = {x= 0, y=-1},
   a = {x=-1, y= 0},
   s = {x= 0, y= 1},
   d = {x= 1, y= 0},

player = {
   x = 0,
   y = 0,
   speed = 200,

function love.update(dt)
   if movement[lastKey] then
      local dir = movement[lastKey]
      player.x = player.x + dir.x * player.speed * dt
      player.y = player.y + dir.y * player.speed * dt

function love.keypressed(key)
   lastKey = key
Thanks a bunch! Also, would you know how to make a square be drawn In a random area on the screen everytime you open the game? Because when I do It Its always drawn In the same area.

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:49 am
by Sheepolution

Code: Select all

square.x = math.random(0, 700)
square.y = math.random(0, 400)

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:11 am
by QuerkyBren
Sheepolution wrote:

Code: Select all

square.x = math.random(0, 700)
square.y = math.random(0, 400)
Its appearing In the same spot :(

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:20 am
by Tjakka5
Use love.math.random(min, max) instead; its seed automatically gets set.

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:02 pm
by Beelz
The issue is that random really isn't that random... More of a pseudo-random. Try setting a seed:

Code: Select all

--in love.load():

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 6:01 pm
by pgimeno
Beelz wrote:The issue is that random really isn't that random... More of a pseudo-random. Try setting a seed:

Code: Select all

--in love.load():
LÖVE already does that for you, actually. The issue is that QuerkyBren was using math.random instead of [wiki]love.math.random[/wiki]. LÖVE only initializes the latter.

Re: How do I make my player move repeatedly after I press an arrow key?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:18 am
by QuerkyBren
pgimeno wrote:
Beelz wrote:The issue is that random really isn't that random... More of a pseudo-random. Try setting a seed:

Code: Select all

--in love.load():
LÖVE already does that for you, actually. The issue is that QuerkyBren was using math.random instead of [wiki]love.math.random[/wiki]. LÖVE only initializes the latter.
love.math.random worked! Thanks!