I learned about Lua as a World of Warcraft player, since all its addons are merely Lua scripts.
The language I used (BlitzMax) had a Lua module and I started to study it. I came up with
War in Space - All Around The Moon in order to study the possibilities of Lua a bit more. It was never a serious project, but an experiment, but hey, maybe you like the game anyway, as I didn't really throw it, you know
A really serious project with Lua came when I created
The Secrets of Dyrt. I just wanted to make an RPG again, and up until now I only had to reply on my own (crappy) scripting languages I didn't even care to give a name.
During my time at GameJolt I heard somebody complain about Love2D being too "low level", but that was actually something I liked. The two games above I mentioned are not exactly lightwight, and getting them to work on Linux, well they should both work with wine, but a true Linux version was just major hell. I was looking to a good Lua based engine for my smaller projects, and that complaint was just telling me Love2D could be what I was looking for.
I'm now working to create a puzzle game, which is actually a remake of an older concept of mine, but perfect to get into the deep of Love2D. And I guess this will also be the first game of mine with an actual "Linux version". The only thing I miss in Love is the support for the "archiving" system I used (and I can't expect it to, as I set up that system myself), as it grants me a lot of possibilities zip doesn't offer. Well, we can't have EVERYTHING, I guess.