AirTaxi [WIP]
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:01 pm
Game page:
What is AirTaxi?
AirTaxi (working title) gonna be a remake of the same-named Amiga PD title released back in 1994. It was loosely based on the even older C64 game "Space Taxi".
As player you have to carry passengers between multiple platforms to earn money - which will be used to buy fuel and new items doing gameplay. The game will contain a stage-based "Story Mode", an "Endless Mode" and an "Racing Mode" where you can compete
against other players or try to improve your time while playing in time trial mode.
Status Updates
[19-03-2016] Editor Progress!
Hey guys,
I've posted a gif about the game in the "Whats everyone working on" thread some days ago.
I made some good progress since then and thought I should create a dev thread for it to document changes.
I'll update the OP as soon as I release a new build on the game page linked below.
But no worries - I won't bump that thread until there's something major to talk about.
I'm currently working on the In-Game Editor for the game.
I've added basic functionality (create/load/save level) and right now I'm working on the editing tools which should help to create and edit objects more easily. Here is a gif showing the current functionality including object placement, wall placement via area selection and a selection tool to mark objects which can be edited or deleted.
I also created a development plan for stuff I gonna add in near future (I use Windows Sticky Notes on a second screen to handle all development planning and it works surprisingly well (an image, but in german - sorry)!
You can test the current version on the game page linked on top. Note that it doesn't contain any GUI elements atm so navigating will get much easier in near future.
What happend to your old AirTaxi project?
Two years ago I already began to remake the classic airTaxi game but discontinued because of my coding skills at this time which resulted in losing motivation to continue the project.
I can't promise that I'll finish the new project at the extend I imagine atm but there will definetly be a "kinda finished" and playable version of the game to enjoy.
Will there be a Github repo or something similar?
Nope, but if you want to take a look at the code you can download the *.love version on the AirTaxi page linked on top of this post.
That's it so far. Thanks for reading!