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How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:02 am
by SneakySnake ... states
This port allows you to both run and play existing LÖVE games and also to create new games directly on your mobile device!
I couldn't figure out how to do any of that.

If I open the app, it just shows the no game screen. I couldn't find a way to open an existing .love file.

If I try to open a .love file with the file manager, it says "Unable to open".

EDIT: According to , the way to run a LÖVE game is to copy its files into sdcard/lovegame. I'm not sure exactly what sdcard stands for, I assume it stands for whatever your local storage is named, but it might also work on an actual external SD card too, I'm not sure. This method works, but it's a cumbersome way to run LÖVE games. I expect to be able to open a .love file instead of having to copy the game files into the aforementioned location, overwriting the previous one, every time I want to play a different game.

What about creating games directly on the mobile device? Is there no editing environment provided? Are you expected to use external tools? If so, this ability shouldn't be advertised, unless there is a well-documented way to do it.

All of this should be better documented, since the Android port is now official.

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 1:35 pm
by cattail
I use Love for android 0.9.1 0.9.2 .
After I make a fold in sdcard: sdcard/lovegame, and dezip(unzip) a (game) ,and copy all subfolder and files into it . Then I can play it ,use the icon ,a blue android , i guess it from love 0.9.2a apk.

The main.lua must in lovegame (not in deeper sub folder).

I use Nexus 7 , Android 5.1.1 , the NO game must modified by x\y size to fit screen. MobilePhone is also need modify.

If U want use many love games , I use a app named "ES file Explorer" , use it find file in download folder ,it pop a window "Open As", select "other" , find icon "Love for Android", and U have it . Have fun .
(I only tested just 1 game , NO , from this forum, i modify it to 0.8.0 , and to 0.9.0 , some API is diff, just by error messages )

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:34 pm
by SneakySnake
cattail wrote:I use a app named "ES file Explorer"
Thanks! Es file Explorer actually recognized my .love file and opened it with LÖVE, without me having to configure anything. Looks like the stock file manager for Emotion UI is just poop.

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:17 am
by bobbyjones
Ay I thought I was the only one who used ES file explorer lol. But if you install the .apk from the Playstore then any .love from anywhere would be runnable from clicking on it. It shouldn't just work in ES file explorer.

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:53 am
by Nixola
It doesn't work in Asus' file explorer; it asks me if I want to open the file as text, audio, image or video.

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:34 pm
by bobbyjones
Oh that's weird. I guess not all FEs are of the same quality. The one on my Samsung Galaxy S5 opens it fine.

Re: How to use LÖVE for Android?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:12 pm
by darkfrei
New phone with Android can open the .love files from browser downloads (chrome), but not with the standard file manager.

But this file manager works well: ... ilemanager