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New here!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:45 am
by FullyLucid
I thought I'd drop in and make an introductory post.

My name's Josh. I'm 20 years old and have been dabbling in code since age 11, but only got serious about it 3-4 years ago. I have the most experience with C++ but I'm not caught all the way up with C++11 yet. I have a bit of experience with Python especially the Flask framework. I'm new to Lua, and have been using it almost exclusively within the Love framework.

Current projects include:
  • A world editor for 2D games, currently it's focused on the tile based type though it will be functional for various kinds eventually.
  • An RTS style game about robots and hive minds, heavoly focused on random generation, makes use of marching squares and noise for terrain generation.
  • A website for uploading tutorials, code and projects and discussion about various game genre's mainly focused on procedural generation and various game genre's with the subgenre (or theme) of roguelike
Facts about me:
I'm what people call a hippie, animals, plants, mushrooms and all.
My favorite game subgenre is roguelike, i have no favorite genre
My favorite game is Tetris closely followed by Rogue, Unreal, and Quake
I teach children K-8th grade classes on mathematics, programming and robotics.
I love the idea of working on a project longterm in a team and never have.
I can make game art and assets though my art skills don't rival my programming skills.
My favorite artists include H.R. Giger, Alex Grey, Salvidor Dali, M.C. Escher, Guillermo Del Toro, Zdzisław Beksiński, Don Lanning and my girlfriend Sydnie Henderson
I know Slime from an IRC channel
I like ASM especially NASM and FASM
I've written a small scripting language
I wrote a toy OS with text input and two commands

Re: New here!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:13 pm
by kbmonkey

You won't have any trouble getting into Lua with your past experience! is a nice resource for learning too.

I like mushrooms too! I got some nice Shiitake mushrooms today. :D

Giger does some great work. I have to add Escher and Dali to that list.

Re: New here!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:34 pm
by FullyLucid
I can't believe I overlooked them, Escher belongs at the top of the list with Giger, I added Del Toro as well :P. wasn't sure how many people would be reading that bit of the post so I over looked some things.

Thanks for the link! I've been getting into it a bit. here's an image of that robot game, it's in Love2d so I think I may be on my way to knowing what I'm doing. :P.
From my current projects list:
An RTS style game about robots and hive minds, heavily focused on random generation, makes use of marching squares and noise for terrain generation.

For those of you who noticed the saddle points have a line being drawn across, that's because I'm using love.draw.line() for each "cell" of the world. this means that a saddle point, which has 2 lines uses love.draw.line() as well and ends up looking wrong. Easy fix, but I'm focusing on another project for the next few weeks.

Re: New here!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:13 am
by Murii