Split audio wavelength

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Split audio wavelength

Post by MattyAB »

Hey Everyone,

I had an idea for a project, to create an audio visualiser (in the style of MonsterCat https://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia) thst you put an mp4 into it, and it creates the wavelengths on screen. Is this at all possible? Is there a way to do this in the standard Love2D API, or if not is there a library I can install to do this?

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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by vrld »

Looks like you want to build a spectrum analyzer. In software, this is typically done using a short-time Fourier transform or wavelet analysis. There is quite a bit of complicated math involved.
LÖVE currently does not include a library to do that, and I don't think you'd want to implement that in Lua yourself.
You can try your luck with fftw via Luajits ccall interface or this binding, but that library provides only the bare minimum (just FFT, no STFT).
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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by Inny »

I'm not sure this will help, but I couldn't resist translating the rosetta code versions of the Cooley Tukey FFT.

Code: Select all

local complex = {
  __tostring = function(self) return ("(% .5f % .5fi)"):format(self[1], self[2]) end
local A = -2 * math.pi
local function C(t) return setmetatable(t, complex) end

local function cexp(x)
  local er = math.exp(x[1])
	return C{ er*math.cos(x[2]), er*math.sin(x[2]) }

local function cmul(x, y) return C{ x[1]*y[1]-x[2]*y[2], x[1]*y[2]+x[2]*y[1] } end
local function cadd(x, y) return C{ x[1]+y[1], x[2]+y[2] } end
local function csub(x, y) return C{ x[1]-y[1], x[2]-y[2] } end

local function slice(list) -- evens/odds semantics are weird.
  local even, odd = {}, {}
  for i = 1, #list, 2 do even[#even+1] = list[i] end
  for i = 2, #list, 2 do odd[#odd+1] = list[i] end
  return even, odd

local function FFT(x)
  local N, H = #x, math.floor(#x/2)
  local y = {}
  for i = 1, N do
    y[i] = type(x[i]) ~= "table" and C{x[i], 0} or x[i]
  if N <= 1 then return y end
  local evens, odds = slice(y)
  evens = FFT(evens)
  odds = FFT(odds)
  local results = {}
  for k = 1, H do
    local T = cexp{0, A*((k-1)/N)}
    results[k] = cadd(evens[k], cmul(T, odds[k]))
    results[H+k] = csub(evens[k], cmul(T, odds[k]))
  return results

local data = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
local outp = FFT(data)

for i = 1, #data do
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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by MattyAB »

That could be useful...

Where is the bit of code to import the file for the FFT or is it just given some set ints to work with?

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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by zorg »

I'm not sure about the mp4 part though, i do know löve does support mp3-s.

Also, i kinda did a waveform analyzer thing myself in löve (though it's a bit more than that...), using lpghatguy's queuablesource lib from his microphone input project on github.

Maybe it would work to just use [wiki]Source:tell[/wiki] to get the position in samples, and a variable to calculate the difference between two calls, then use that interval on the SoundData to get a slice to generate the FFT on each update cycle, but i'm pretty sure that that would be less accurate than doing it with my solution (since what i push to the source is what will get played, so the visualization won't have "gaps" in it)
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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by MattyAB »

Sorry, I put the wrong thing - I meant mp3!
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Re: Split audio wavelength

Post by pgimeno »

You need to feed it the sound data. Reading the thread, I'm not sure you know how to obtain the sound data in love2d. Just in case: you need to load the sound with love.sound.newSoundData, not with love.audio.newSource. Then you can use the resulting SoundData both to get the sample data and pass it to the FFT, and to pass it to love.audio.newSource in order to be able to play it.

This is a simple example to use the data to roughly visualize the wave (not the spectrum):

Code: Select all

local snd, src
local lpts, rpts
local zoom_out = 200
local samplerate
local playing = false
local last_playing

function update_display(start)
  lpts, rpts = {}, {}
  local h1 = love.window.getHeight()
  local h2 = h1 * 3 / 4
  h1 = h1 / 4
  for i = 1, love.window.getWidth() do
    lpts[i*2-1] = i-1
    lpts[i*2] = h1 - (snd:getSample(math.floor(i*zoom_out+start)*2) or 0) * h1
  for i = 1, love.window.getWidth() do
    rpts[i*2-1] = i-1
    rpts[i*2] = h2 - (snd:getSample(math.floor(i*zoom_out+start)*2+1) or 0) * h1

function love.load(cmdlineargs)
  argv = cmdlineargs
  if #argv < 2 then
    error("Audio file name required in command line")

  snd = love.sound.newSoundData(argv[2])
  src = love.audio.newSource(snd)

  -- Read snd:getChannels(). Here we skip that step and assume stereo.
  samplerate = snd:getSampleRate()

function love.update(dt)
  if not playing then
    playing = 0
    last_playing = love.window.getWidth()*zoom_out
    playing = playing + dt*samplerate
    if playing >= last_playing then
      last_playing = last_playing + love.window.getWidth()*zoom_out

function love.draw()
  love.graphics.print(playing, 0, 0)
  local x = (playing-last_playing)/zoom_out + love.window.getWidth()
  if x <= love.window.getWidth() then
    love.graphics.line(x, 0, x, love.window.getHeight())
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