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Additional Forums

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:14 am
by TheMeq
Just a suggestion, but could the forums be expanded a little bit? I'm thinking a few more forums?

Introductions Forum

Library Help (Possibly sub-forums for popular libraries)
Game Releases
Code Snip Area (For those little bits of code that make a lot of difference)
What I'm Working On (or WIP section)

Graphics / Sound Section for people who want to give assets for games

Possibly any other forums that people suggest?

Re: Additional Forums

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:40 am
by zorg
There was a thread related to this a while back too, but my 5 cents are:
- Introductions go here, along with general talk (as it is now)
support & development (of löve)
- questions about löve/lua (as it is now)
projects & questions
- this could have subforums for, or be moved into the following ones:
Libraries - intended to be used by others in their projects
Games- wips and released ones
Tools - wips and released ones

As for assets, a real dedicated guy named Eric actually does have a music thread in the general subforum, that he regularly updates... i think that works :3

Too many subforums may lead to threads being lost more than already though, but imo the above grouping could work to separate threads a bit more (i.e. threads of type X won't push threads of other types off of the first page of a subforum)