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I want to contribute to your project!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:17 am
by nibylev
I need to find a project for the course on my studies "Team Project".
I have searched some big projects on sourceforge but I realized that they require a lot of time to understand the code and I am not sure I can just jump into it and contribute in a couple of months. Because I already have some experience in programming in Love (2 small games, 4000 lines of code, featuring networking, sprites, shaders and different functionalities of hump) I thought that maybe I can contribute to some project in this language. All I really need is already 2 people activeliy working on it (i don't want to be only the second person), I need it to be run on GIT(which is, I hope, always the case if at least 2 people are involved) and I need it to be an awesome idea for a game! (only cool ideas pass too ;) )

Soo... If you need two crafty hands working on your project tell me!

Re: I want to contribute to your project!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:13 am
by rmcode
Most of my LÖVE projects are open source and I am always happy for pull requests.

Re: I want to contribute to your project!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:57 am
by zorg
I have a project on github that kinda meets most of your criteria (You'd be the second person to join), i can't say how awesome an idea a bullet hell shooter framework may be, but it's an option you can take if you want. :3

Although most of the structure is already planned, it's still somewhat early in development, and with the current pacing, i believe we're neither rushing it, nor are we doing premature-optimizations.

Also,sadly, my hdd crashed on me, so while i can and will continue to code this without any of the lost not-yet-used stuff i didn't push to github, i will attempt to recover the data.

Re: I want to contribute to your project!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:02 am
by Andrew McWatters

Re: I want to contribute to your project!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:44 pm
by Doctory
Andrew McWatters wrote:Grid is pretty easy to read, and we're relatively small. (15k SLOC)
you just made my day