Error- attempt to index field 'module' (a nil value)
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:32 am
Hello everyone! I'm very obviously new to Love and programming in general, so try not to be too offended as I get my bearings.
Simply put I guess, when I try to run my project I'm getting an error
I'm sure this is a simple mistake, so apologies if I missed something. Thanks for looking.
Simply put I guess, when I try to run my project I'm getting an error
I recently installed the engine and am creating a test project to see that I understand how to create and compile a blank game. So, I created a folder with the following files: TestGame => conf.lua; main.lua;boot.lua:339 conf.lua:2: attempt to index field 'module' (a nil value)
[C]: in function 'error'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Code: Select all
function love.conf(t)
t.module.joystick = false = false
t.modules.keyboard = true
t.modules.event = true
t.modules.image = true = true
t.modules.timer = true
t.modules.mouse = true
t.modules.sound = true
t.modules.threading = true
t.modules.physics = true
t.console = true
t.title = "TestGame" = "BrokenEye"
t.window.fullscreen = false
t.window.vsync = false
t.window.fsaa = 0
t.window.height = 600
t.window.width = 800