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Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:24 am
by bluedudex2
So I created an account to ask how to add the ability to double jump, in the process I noticed that I could shorten my code a bit and I accidentally solved the problem. But I'm not here to tell you a success story because I found another problem, if you can time your jumps correctly then you can jump infinitely. So I'm not wondering how to double jump but to restrict it.

One thing worth of note is that the code is from: ... mp-height/ and it was the only code that worked for me (thanks micha). I modified it a bit (off course) to try to add double jumping, and I commented a lot of the code to give you the idea of what I was trying, hopefully this helps.

Thanks in advance. ~bluedude

Code: Select all

function mode_jump(mode)
	--Sets jump
	if mode == 'ground' then
		player.mode = 'jump'
		player.yvel = -400
	--Idea is to double jump with this
	if mode == 'double jump' then
		player.mode = 'dJump'
		player.yvel = player.y - 400

function player.jump(dt)
	player.yvel = player.yvel + gravity * dt

	-- player.mode is set to ground, when space is pressed it runs mode_jump('ground')
	if love.keyboard.isDown(' ') and player.mode == 'ground' then
	--the idea of this script is to grant the ability to double jump
	--checks if player is in the air
	if player.mode == 'jump' and player.yvel > 0 then
		player.mode = 'air'
		--if player is in the air
		if player.mode == 'air' then
			--idea is to let them jump again while player.dJump = true
			--my idea is to make double jump a power-up
			if love.keyboard.isDown(' ') and player.dJump == true then
				mode_jump('double jump')
	--resets player.mode so you can jump again
	elseif player.mode == 'air' or 'dJump' and player.y == ground_level - player.height and player.yvel >= 0 then
		player.mode = 'ground'

	player.x = player.x + player.xvel * dt
	player.y = player.y + player.yvel * dt


Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:05 pm
by Ruirize
My solution for double jumping is to track the number of jumps that the player has left.
  • When they touch the ground, set this value to 2.
  • When they jump, set the Y velocity and subtract one - only if they have at least one.
  • When they leave the ground and still have 2, subtract 1. This has the effect of allowing a single "drop jump".

Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:38 pm
by bluedudex2
So I tried to clean the script a bit and tried what Ruirize suggested (but most likely did it completely wrong :ultraglee: ) and I did make the script cleaner but I can't get the game to double jump. Here is what I have:

In player.lua:

Code: Select all

function jump_mode(mode)
	if mode == 'ground' then
		if player.mode == 'ground' then
			player.mode = 'jump'
			player.yv = -400

function player.jump(dt)
	player.yv = player.yv + gravity * dt
	if player.mode == 'jump' and player.yv > 0 then
		player.mode = 'air'
	if player.mode == 'air' then 
		if player.dJump == false and player.y == ground_level - player.height and player.yv > 0 then
			player.jumpsleft = 1
			player.mode = 'ground'
		elseif player.dJump == true and player.y == ground_level - player.height and player.yv > 0 then
			player.jumpsleft = 2
			player.mode = 'ground'
	player.x = player.x + player.xv * dt
	player.y = player.y + player.yv * dt
and in main.lua:

Code: Select all

function love.keypressed(key, isrepeat)
	if gameState == "playing" then
		if player.dJump == false then
			player.jumpsleft = 1
		if player.dJump == true then
			player.jumpsleft = 2
		if key == ' ' then
		player.jumpsleft = player.jumpsleft - 1
			if player.jumpsleft == 1 then
				player.jumpsleft = 0
Again thanks in advance.

Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:35 pm
by bluedudex2
Nothing I've tried so far is working :cry: . Any help is appreciated.

Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:10 pm
by bakpakin
You have the basic idea.

In general, this becomes easier when you move most of the code into a function called once a frame, like love.update. Much of the code in player.jump, like the movement code, should probably go into a function called player.update(dt) or player:update(dt). Your jump_mode function is similar to player:jump, and your player.jump is similar to player:update. I renamed them to make it clearer to me, but you can rename them if you want.

EDIT: looking at your original post and the link to the Meat Boy jump implementation, this doesn't do variable height jumps, but it does do double jumps quite well.
(767 Bytes) Downloaded 254 times
I took your code and made a little demo thing out of it that you can download, but here are the three relevant functions.


Code: Select all

function love.keypressed(key, isrepeat)
   if key == ' ' then

Code: Select all

function player:jump()
   if self.jumpsLeft > 0 and self.mode ~= 'jump' then
      self.jumpsLeft = self.jumpsLeft - 1
      self.mode = 'jump'
      self.yv = -400

Code: Select all

function player:update(dt)
   -- Move player based on velocity and gravity
   self.yv = self.yv + gravity * dt
   self.x = self.x + self.xv * dt
   self.y = self.y + self.yv * dt

   -- move to ground if necesarry
   if self.y + self.height >= ground_level then
      self.mode = 'ground'
      self.yv = 0
      self.y = ground_level - self.height

   -- reset jump count if on ground
   if self.mode == 'ground' then
      if self.dJump then
         self.jumpsLeft = 2
         self.jumpsLeft = 1

   -- switch mode to 'air' if moving down and not on ground.
   if self.mode == 'jump' and self.yv > 0 then
      self.mode = 'air'

Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:08 am
by bluedudex2
Thanks for the help, it works! Too think it was that simple this entire time.

I'm curious on how to incorporate the drop jump; jump off a ledge and if double jump is true then set jumps left to 1 not have it 2.

Re: Double Jumping Help.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:30 pm
by bakpakin
Instead of setting the jump counter to two when the character is on the ground, always set it to one (regardless of double jumping). Right when the character jumps, check if the character starts on the ground and can double jump, and if so, increment the jump counter to two before decrementing it (or just leave it unchanged). That way, when the character falls of a ledge, the jump counter is still at the default 1.

Just one solution of many.