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Rivals of Catan

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:29 am
by TurtleSlap
Hey all,

as i introduced my self in "what are you working on" i came across some issues and need your help or advices :(

First at all, the actual state of my project:
i allready got a menu with moving intro picture, the possibility of pressing any key to get into my game. there will be waiting an unifinished game because i need to do:

-a tile-based map for putting my cards onto it. i am searching for tutorials to create a map where i create tiles for my cards... ( i dont know if any of you know the game. u have to create small towns with landscapes in each corner of the card, thats why i need a tile-based map with changeable content in every single tile.

- 90 different cards : i think i should work with tablets for each card right?

- 2 dices with number and images. i allready included lovedice from the forum, but my dice went insane and doesnt stop rolling over and over again :( this is my code:

Code: Select all

local Dice = require("lovedice")
	local default_die = Dice.newDie(DEFAULT_SIDES)"You rolled a " .. Dice.roll(), 0, 350,, "center")
does any of you have any ideas or advices how to do one of this points above? i am learning and searching the entire time.. but couldnt find any good solutions!

So far,


Re: Rivals of Catan

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:51 am
by Crossing
First, this belongs in support and development.

I'm not really sure what your going for I'm assuming you mean something like civilization?

Re: Rivals of Catan

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:21 am
by TurtleSlap
Oh sorry my fault.. :(

i mean something like this game :


so far,


Re: Rivals of Catan

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:58 pm
by CaptainMaelstrom
TurtleSlap wrote:-a tile-based map for putting my cards onto it. i am searching for tutorials to create a map where i create tiles for my cards... ( i dont know if any of you know the game. u have to create small towns with landscapes in each corner of the card, thats why i need a tile-based map with changeable content in every single tile.
Sounds like you should be able to just use tables, and loop through the pairs in each tile table, drawing each card.
TurtleSlap wrote:- 90 different cards : i think i should work with tablets for each card right?
Yes, use tables.
TurtleSlap wrote:my dice went insane and doesnt stop rolling over and over again :(
That's because (I assume) you're re-rolling every frame. Instead of rolling the dice in the love.draw function, roll the dice once in the love.load function (or only when the player presses a key, etc.) and then draw the results.

Re: Rivals of Catan

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:12 pm
by TurtleSlap
Thanks alot, i traveled into the support Forum! Thanks alot !