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Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:44 am
by martincohen
Hello guys,

I'd like to share my game I done in 9 days: Disposable. I had a big trouble finishing my games and other projects, so I decided to go bananas and start and finish a game in a reasonable-enough time (which in this case was 9 days).

I've used my own collision/world engine that I implemented by a way I learned watching Handmade Hero. The page also contains a .love file so you can take a peek at it (game/world.lua).

Enjoy Disposable and let me know if you have any ides or notes on it, I want to continue to work on it.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:05 pm
by georgeprosser
Wow, this has gorgeous art. This is seriously impressive for just 9 days. I find time limits really useful in getting stuff finished too.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:43 pm
by qubodup
Very pretty! And nice sounds.

The jumping camera makes me a bit sick.

It's hard to tell whether you can jump over an edge or not...

The controls are kind of extreme but that makes for great adrenaline while trying to jump around super-fast. I for one would benefit from gamepad and arrow keys and as you can see from checkpoints.

Anyways, beautiful work!

PS: in the spirit of contemporary game design, life should recharge.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:21 pm
by martincohen
@georgeprosser Thank you! Yeah, the limited time makes you force yourself to decisions towards the better result and that's what I fell in love with.

@qubodup: OMG thank you for the video! It's incredible to actually see someone else playing the game! And thank you for kind words!

I'm right-handed, but I kinda got used for using left hand for movement in the games (right hand for aiming with mouse), so I went for WASD, but I'll add controller and arrows support as soon as possible. The terminals hacked will be also checkpoints, at least that's my current plan.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:01 pm
by bakpakin
That in 9 days is impressive. Beautiful levels. I have to ask, did you spend more time programming or drawing?

Also, was watching handmade hero really helpful? I recently discovered it, but it looks daunting (100+ videos of coding). I have a good grasp on game dev, but I want to try my hand at a larger, pure C project.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:37 pm
by martincohen
@bakpakin From time perspective it was more about programming as I was prototyping alot. Thats mostly because of the mechanics. I also threw away a lot of code to keep the game interesting. I already had an idea about the graphics so it was pretty straightfoward.

Handmade hero might be hard. I essentially used stuff from only a few episodes. Its well named so you can just pick what interests you the most.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:15 pm
by CaptainMaelstrom
Well done!

To be done in 9 days with a game that's this complete and fun is impressive. What initially drew me in was the interesting art and the logo of the game.

I recorded my playthrough as well. I was able to complete it in about 12 minutes:

It was fun to discover the different mechanics at play. I would love to see more puzzle elements introduced in later stages. I also think it's kind of difficult to perform the jumps. Even after I figured out how, I was having trouble pressing my keyboard keys fast enough to do what I wanted.


I loved the sounds the most. The Matrix-y sounds I hear when the computers are powering up are delightful.

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:13 pm
by martincohen
@CaptainMaelstrom Thank you! I really appreciate the video, I really learn a lot from seeing other people play it. Based on the videos I had I made an update today. The update changes a bit how the lash is handled so it should be much easier and more fun to do it. The update also adds checkpoints and polish.

Anyway thank you a lot for your kind words. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:36 pm
by Fenrir
Man, I just tested it and it's fantastic, you sure need to keep working on it!

Re: Game done in 9 days: Disposable

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:24 pm
by Davidobot
Beautiful art! I assume you made it yourself?

Also, brilliant gameplay, it actually feels like a professional game, unlike a lot of projects here, including mine.
Also, the start screen says "Press [space] to enter", but only launches when I press "enter" not "space"?